Sleeper Simulant Stifles Gambit – Hardcore Player


In his weekly article "This Week at Bungie", the developer presented a complete list of changes made to the game during the month of October. Of these, the most notable is the Gambit-specific nerve for the Sleeping Simulant exotic fusion rifle. This is a relatively minor change affecting the acquisition of ammunition and perhaps its purpose, but it is still a change to move the weapon from "to be used" and to place it in the category "just another option". This will undoubtedly be a popular decision, as Sleeper's absolute dominance of Gambit is a problem to be solved. Not for reasons of balance, but for reasons of variety.

Balance is a great quality to look for in an online multiplayer game, but Destiny 2 is not a question of balance; it's a question of power and variety. It's a game designed to make players feel powerful in different ways. The crime of Sleeper Simulant in Gambit is not that it is ridiculously powerful, although that is absolutely the case. No, it's actually the negative influence he's starting to have on the mode. This weapon is so powerful right now that it would be stupid not to use it. This is the weapon of choice for most players. Unfortunately, the side effect is creating a much more bland experience overall.

When someone invades Sleeper, it always happens the same way: the invader hangs near the edge of the map, removes its competition one by one and usually it hangs until it stops. what it is sent back. Defenders, meanwhile, can get shot or find a hiding place because there is no good way to challenge a Sleeper user in addition to trapping him with a shot of his own sleeper simulator before the invader can begin; that's all. Instead of the fun and dramatic game of invading cat and mouse guests during the first days of fashion, it's a boring boredom. It's a shame too, because it brings down a mode that is also filled with all kinds of interesting moments and tactics.

When the entire team does not run Sleeper Simulant, all sorts of options open up. Tutors can take on roles and prepare accordingly. Instead of each running Sleeper, two guards can run Tractor Cannon, while the other two focus on high DPS weapons to burn the boss as if nothing had happened. Bonus points if the present hunter (s) execute Blad Barrage. Alternatively, the team could rely on a Well of Radiance warlock, each equipped with quick-fire shotguns and long range weapons, forming a well-rounded team with its own ability to melt bosses. If nothing else, other exotic weapons may come into play and change the experience. Of course, nothing prevents teams from doing this now and there are still times when someone will invade with something other than Sleeping Simulant. However, these cases are rare due to the overwhelming superiority of Sleeper Simulant.

Bungie said in the past that they wanted to avoid weapons as much as possible. It seems that they want to avoid spoiling the pleasure for reasons of balance. Hopefully, the reduction in ammunition collection and the goal of Sleeper Simulant will be enough to encourage players to try something else from time to time. Variety is an important part of what keeps a game like Destiny 2, and the weapons that limit that variety because of their mere existence are problematic. If they end up having to sleep directly in Sleeper to be able to turn it into an option among others, it will be worth it. To reintroduce nerves in Destiny would be unfortunate, but if that's what it takes for its PvP elements to stay cool, then so be it.

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