Smash Bros Ultimate gets two new definitive fighters, Ken and Incineroar


Screenshot: Kotaku (YouTube)

Nintendo has confirmed Super Smash Bros. UltimateThe last starting team will consist of 74 fighters, with Ken's new announcement, of street fighter and Incineroar of Pokemon being the latest additions.

Ken will be an echo fighter, which means that most of his movements and animations will reflect those of Ryu. It will, however, have unique attack animations that will recall its movements in the series of fighting games Capcom. It will also be slightly faster than Ryu. Like the latter, Ken also has two super attacks. The first, Shinryuken, is a high revolving cut that targets the center of the stage, while the second, Shippu Jinraikyaku, will be initiated each time the player unleashes the attack while he is next to an opponent.

Incineroar, meanwhile, will be a unique wrestling style fighter who poses for the public after every successful shot. These animations can however be canceled to maintain the flow of the fights. As a wrestler, many of his attacks will be riskier, more rewarded, requiring patience.

The final form of Litten, a starter Pokémon introduced for the first time in Pokemon Sun and Moon, Incineroar's throws will be slightly more powerful than those of other characters, while the rest of his arsenal is composed of moves like Cross Chop, and a recovery movement that allows Incineroar to recover in a "V", and a cyclone is the darkest attack. He also has a side shot that throws his opponents out of a rope and brings them back to him for a second attack.

Although both characters look cool in themselves, they are far from the ones fans have been waiting for months of theorizing based on now refuted leaks. Grinch's escape from last week in particular, which gave smash Fans hope that Banjoe Kazooie and other strange characters will be added to the game when the game is released, proves to be clearly a hoax.

However, even more skeptical and cautious fans still thought that Nintendo had more than two remaining fighters to announce.

Of course, this starter list of 74 players is still the most important in the history of the series, and Nintendo will rely on it for years to come with future downloadable content. After all, that's where Smash Bros. Wii U found many of his most exciting new fighters including Final Fantasy VII& # 39; s Cloud Strife and Bayonetta. Nintendo announced at the end of today's day that the game will have a season pass at $ 25, and that five new fighters will be added to the game one by one after its release.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches on Switch on December 7th.

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