Snap launches new images for Shows 2, the price goes up to $ 200


Snap Shows 2, Nico and Veronica

Nico and Veronica Shows.


Snap sunglasses are getting a new look.

On Wednesday, Snap, the parent company of the Snapchat app, launched two new styles of Spectacles 2 called Nico and Veronica. They have the same functions as the original glasses 2, but look more like traditional sunglasses and cost $ 200, an increase of $ 50.

The glasses 2 were unveiled in April and introduced new features, including water resistance and the ability to take pictures instead of just video. At $ 150 a pair, they can take up to 70 videos or hundreds of photos on a single charge and transfer them to your cordless phone.

Veronica 2 glasses

Veronica, the charging cable and the black leather case.

Cully Wright / Snap

For $ 50 more, Nico and Veronica offer the same features, but come with black polarized lenses and black frames. They also have black leather protective cases instead of the bright yellow charging case, which means you will only be able to power them with the charging cable provided.

Unlike the original eyeglasses, you will not have to queue on a vending machine to find a pair. They are available online today in limited initial quantities and will also be available at Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom stores in the United States, as well as some European retailers, in the coming months.

Snap did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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In March, Snap was working on new versions of Spectacles. It has been said that the new models could have two cameras, GPS and other high-end features, but these are not included in Nico and Veronica.

Snap also wrote in his blog post that he will deploy a new Snapchat feature that automatically turns your performance into a single story.

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