Sold! An original Apple, running at auction, marks six figures at auction


Just like cars that start to lose value when you eliminate them from a dealer, a personal computer you buy today will be worthless next year.

Oh, of course, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, when it comes to cars, Steve McQueen, the action star of the 1960s and 1970s, can easily afford over a million dollars at auction. But for computers, there are not many 42-year-old machines that someone would gladly pay six figures here in 2018.

Unless this 42-year-old machine is a functional Apple I, the first computer built by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, co-founders of Apple. Then you can expect someone to weigh $ 375,000, for example. That's what happened on Tuesday.

RR Auction, of Boston, sold the Apple I as part of its annual Rare and Remarkable Auction. 200 Apple I computers built by Wozniak and Jobs.

The computer has been sold with a keyboard and monitor specific to each period, as well as the original user manual of Apple and other original Apple documents and accessories.

Of course, $ 375,000 is a lot of money for a computer that can not play Fortnite, or probably many other things today. But if it sounds too hard for some of Apple's story, there were a few other "deals" to be made with the RR sale.

Why, a Mac Macintosh Plus signed by Jobs and nine developers of Mac Team could have been yours … for a relatively modest price of $ 28,750.

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