Solid Snake's Butt Used To Suck, But It Got Better


Back when Nintendo first unveiled Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch during E3 2018, Solid Snake was a little heavy on the Snake, less so on the Solid … at least when looking at that once-glorious tooshie. Luckily, the design team has been revealed to us, we've seen that it's not going to be happier.

Case and point – the original toosh:

Now, the comeback:

Clearly, fans were thrilled:

The outcry was real, you guys. People were upset. Butts were missing, how can he fight when he does not have a posterior ?! These are the real questions people! Now Snake can live his best life with the booty that he deserves. We have faith in you, Snake! You can do it!

Super Smash Bros Ultimate releases exclusively on the Nintendo Switch December 17th, 2018! What do you think about the box of the missing booty and its breathtaking return? Justice for Snake, anyone? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below!

For more about the game itself:

"Legendary game worlds and fighters collide in the ultimate showdown-a new entry in the Super Smash Bros. series for the Nintendo Switch system! New fighters, like Inkling from the Splatoon series and Ridley from the Metroid series, make their Super Smash Bros. series of new fighters in the series … Faster Fight, new items, new attacks, new defensive options, and more will keep the battle in your hands. "

You can also catch up on the latest news with our Game Hub right here, including the latest trailers!

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