Some Samsung users say their phones sent random photos to contacts – TechCrunch


Some Samsung users complain that their smartphones have randomly sent photos and programmed texts to contacts. According to the posts on the official Reddit and Samsung support forums spotted by Gizmodo, the affected devices include the Galaxy S9 and the Galaxy Note 8. Their owners say that Samsung Messages, the default texting app for Galaxy devices , pushed the photos and the, but left no record of the messages sent.

A Reddit user says that his Galaxy S9 + sent all his photo library to a contact in the middle of the night while he was sleeping (thankfully, this contact was his partner). The poster indicates that even though there was no evidence of mass photo sharing in Samsung Messages, it appeared on its T-Mobile newspapers. It also adds that it has never used the Shared tab of the Samsung Gallery app, which allows users to send photos via email applications, e-mails or social media without leaving their photo gallery.

The problem also seems to affect some messages. On the Samsung Galaxy S9 support card, a user said that Samsung Messages became buggy after a T-Mobile RCS / Advanced Mail update on their phone. The errors included programmed text messages ending in the wrong threads.

Many complaints posted online come from people who said they were customers of T-Mobile and have recently updated Samsung Messages. recent updates from the RCS (Rich Communication Services). RCS is supposed to improve texting by adding features such as group chat, video and GIF support, as well as file and location sharing. As several reports said that photos were randomly sent to partners or family members, there is also speculation that the problem affects shared plans.

In a statement, a spokesman for Samsung said: the teams are bending over. Affected customers are welcome to contact us directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG. TechCrunch also contacted T-Mobile for comments. The carrier told Gizmodo that "this is not a T-mobile problem" and asked users to contact Samsung.

There are currently two fixes if you are concerned about the problem affecting your device. First, you can access your app settings and revoke Samsung Message's ability to access your storage space, which means that it will not be able to send items stored on your device. phone, including photos. However, this can be a pain because it means that if you want to send photos or files through the application, you must restore the permissions in the settings. The second solution is to stop using Samsung messages until the company claims that the problem has been resolved and that the third-party mail application is replaced.

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