Sony confirms that the next console under development does not specifically mention "PS5"


Sony has confirmed that a new generation console was in development. Although this news is not really surprising (a console company is currently creating a new console? Shocker!), The most interesting detail is that Sony has not explicitly called the new PlayStation 5 console. Could it be the end of the PlayStation range? as we know it?

playstation logo Is Sony working on the PS5 or elsewhere? Sony

This answer is probably "no", but you never know. In a Financial Times article, Kenichiro Yoshida, Sony's CEO, said, "At this point, I can say that it is necessary to have a new generation hardware," he said. not what he meant or whether the new material still had a name.

It's not a lot of information to use, but a source for the FT says the new console is not going to be a massive departure from the PS4. The source reportedly said that the next Sony console "might not represent a major change from the PS4, and that the underlying architecture would be similar."

It's possible that everything that Sony has cooked does not really represent the next step in the game material. Based on the quote above, the new console might be closer to what we already have than something different. It is possible that Sony is working on something that could compete with the Nintendo Switch and the recently announced xCloud streaming service by Microsoft. The switch and xCloud allow both to play on the move. The next Sony console may be more the successor of the PS Vita.

This is not the first time we hear about a new Sony console. A rumor circulating at the beginning of the year suggests that we will see the next console version in 2019. Previous rumors had also suggested a late 2019 or early 2020 version.

Speaking of new consoles, it seems that Nintendo is also preparing to publish an updated version of the Switch next year. Nintendo has not yet officially commented on the possibility of updating the Switch hardware, but sources say it could be available in stores as early as the summer of 2019.

So what do you think? Would you like to know more about the next Sony console? Do you think this material will be a PS5 or something different? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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