Sony full frame frameless cameras finally compete


Nikon Z7

Of course, Panasonic is not the only company trying to catch up on Sony. Canon and Nikon have both recently announced their own full-face mirrorless camera. Nikon's new flagship product, the Z7, has just been launched and comes with a 45.7-megapixel sensor, a 4K video, a 493-point autofocus system and many other features designed to match the Sony A7 III. The Z6, which will arrive at the end of November, has a smaller 24.5-megapixel sensor and will be a more affordable option for those who do not need the higher Z7 resolution. Nikon probably should have made that decision sooner, but the company said that she wanted to make sure we did it right – and given the brevity of our times with the Z7 and Z6, they are really promising.

From the first day, the Nikon Z7 will be compatible with more than 90 Nikkor lenses (three of which are original), thanks to a convenient adapter. Once upon a time, one of the main weaknesses of Sony with its Alpha mirrorless cameras: its limited portfolio of lenses, but not anymore. There are currently 48 E-mount lenses, and Sony has revealed to Photokina that it is already working on 12 other lenses that will be available soon.

The Canon EOS R

Meanwhile, Canon is getting ready with the EOS R, a 30.3-megapixel mirror-less camera for photographers and videographers. Internally, it is almost identical to its high-end DSLR, the EOS 5D Mark IV, with a similar resolution, the two-pixel autofocus system, its shooting speeds, its ISO range and its capabilities. 4K video. That said, the EOS 3 has some disadvantages: it does not have built-in image stabilization in the body, unlike most of Sony's mirrorless cameras, and the cropped video will surely chase some people away. Nevertheless, the EOS R also has the advantage of being compatible (via an adapter) with all of Canon's EF and EF-S lenses, including more than 100.

Panasonic told Photokina that it had high hopes for its S1R and S1, as well as for the full frame mirrorless format as a whole. That's why the company has partnered with Leica and Sigma to form the L-Mount Alliance, which will ensure that future full-frame APS-C cameras and lenses and all support the Leica L-Mount. . "As cameras evolved digital and mirrorless, the demands of users and systems introduced by each brand were diversified," Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki said in a press release. "At the present time, users have an impressive choice, but in terms of scalability and possibilities, the system that actually meets the needs of users is not yet available."

This partnership between Panasonic, Leica and Sigma is important in that it means that their lenses will work with each other's cameras and that users will not have to be locked into a particular ecosystem. And that means there will probably be lenses and cameras for all budgets. The alliance may not be enough to scare Sony for the moment, as it has been playing mirrorless games for years, but it will make the market more interesting. This could look like the Micro Four Thirds standard created by Olympus and Panasonic in 2008, to which other manufacturers have finally contributed.

The competition is good for everyone, especially for buyers, who benefit most from the options offered by Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Zeiss and others, not just Sony. Beyond that, it will require Sony to innovate and push the limits with its cameras E-Mount. It's not as if the company was resting on its laurels, even though, basically, it was the only one to take seriously the full-frame mirrorless cameras. It is too early to tell if any of these newcomers will be about to take first place at Sony, but at least we now know that they are trying.

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