Sony is working on a fix for a bug that crashed the PlayStation 4 consoles


Sony is working on a fix for a bug that allows players to crash their opponents' PlayStation 4 consoles by sending a specially crafted message, a company spokesman told ZDNet.

It is unclear when the bug was introduced in the firmware of the PlayStation 4, but reports of abused users were put online for the first time last week.

Misplaced users reported receiving direct messages from other players, usually during parties.

Users stated that when they received the message, the bug caused the final blocking and blocking of the PlayStation 4 console. The only way for them to regain access to their device was to perform a Factory reset of the console.

The message consists of a fragmented text (it can be any matter), followed by a Unicode character and emoji heart, as shown in the image below. -Dessous.

ps4-crash bug.png

Sony said that he was aware of the problem and that he was conducting an investigation. The company has recommended users to change their privacy settings and prevent other users from sending messages until the company issues a fix.

Users can disable the ability of their account to receive messages by visiting this link in their browser and by switching the "Messages" option to "Person."


Only PlayStation 4 consoles are affected. When users try to view messages on PlayStation mobile apps, the message does not block these apps or the smartphone.

Sony plans to update the problem through a firmware fix, although the company has not provided a schedule for this patch.

Most users who used the bug used it to cheat, crush the consoles of their opponents in order to win games.

"Both Trigz34th and Bj19501067bj the two players who have used this feat are now almost diamonds on Rainbow Six to use this feat.I am amazed that they have not yet been banned," said a Reddit user. this week-end.


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