Sony made the "tough decision" & # 39; not to organize PlayStation Experience this year


Great expectations

The consumer-centric PlayStation Experience will not be coming back this year, confirmed Sony.

Speaking on the PlayStation Blogcast, Worldwide Studios' president, Shawn Layden, explained the purpose of the event and why he avoids 2018. "I think it has become a great place for us New news for fans, to allow them to get closer to some of the new games we're working on, some of the things we may have announced at E3, and now we can get closer to fans in December of the same year. "

"But for 2018, I know some people will be disappointed, but we decided not to hold PlayStation Experience this year, and we will not have it in the US this year," he said.

"We have a lot of progress that we make in our games and we see that coming out, and now that we have Spider Man at the door we look down in 2019 at games like dreams and Past days. But we would not have enough to gather everyone in North America to organize this event. We do not want to set very high expectations and not respond to them. "

It's an interesting choice. The reason is logical, but I'm surprised that Sony did not set its expectations in advance and still wanted to PlayStation Experience. I mean, at the E3 2018, Layden said that there would be "no new material announcements at E3 this year".

PlayStation Experience 2016 has been rich in events, with news about Yakuza 6 and Kiwami, Uncharted: the lost legacy, and Omega WipEout Collection, among others. The 2017 show was mainly composed of trailers.

Even if the year was slow, the fans would have appeared. Hope that the event next year will prevail.

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