SoundCloud controversial pullovers contract terms after Verge report


SoundCloud has rewritten the contract for its self-monetization program, called SoundCloud Premier, following The Verge'S report that the deal was unfair to artists. The new contract is currently being served for artists signing up for Premier, and it will be emulated to those who have been joined at the beginning of an unspecified future time. The Verge has obtained a copy of the new agreement from the artist and duo Golf Clap and embedded it below.

SoundCloud announced the changes in a post titled blog "Clarifying the SoundCloud First Agreement," states that SoundCloud has "seen" feedback that some language in the original program agreement was too broad, and we want to avoid any doubt about your rights and how we run the program. "

The company has reviewed every major contentious point listed in The Verge'S original report. In particular, SoundCloud says the broad language regarding the covenant has not been removed. "Our team reviewed the agreement," SoundCloud's post reads, "and we've clarified or removed elements that may be unclear or not applicable. part of our previous invite-only agreement. " The Verge reviewed SoundCloud's new contract and found this to be correct. In addition, all mention of mandatory arbitration has also been removed.

SoundCloud's revised contract no longer stipulates an artist must reach $ 100 in its paid payment. "Furthermore, because there is a definite accounting schedule," "SoundCloud's promise of delivering statements" within a calendar year accounting period during the Term "now has weight.

The new contract says the company commits to notifying artists of the world with two weeks notice via the email on record with their account. Previously, SoundCloud's agreement does not require it to provide any notice, saying, "It's your responsibility to check these terms and conditions."

The new contract also extends the statement of the challenge of six years to the standard industry of two years. There are also some additional aspects of the deal, such as an expanded territories section, which states the countries will monetize in.

There is still no doubt about it. SoundCloud First statements will be on this point.

Artists can now count on all these terms to be firm, including their pro rata share of 55 percent of advertising and subscription revenues, as well as discontinuous all or part of the SoundCloud Premier monetization program. "

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