Speed ​​up your tablet, hide your Amazon profile and more: Tech Q & A


Channels of antenna

Q: If I buy an antenna to get free TV channels, how many channels will I receive? Is there a formula or something to understand it before you buy and install the antenna?

A: For people who like to save money, antennas are a great investment. The installation of an antenna is a delicate task. its physical location may require troubleshooting. Unlike the era of "rabbit ears", you do not have to stand on the roof and bend the cables and scream in the living room to see if the reception is clearer. Specialty sites will provide you with most of the information you need, depending on your location. You can also determine which channels you will receive and if the investment is worth it. Tap or click here to check all available TV channels in your area.

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Public Amazon Profile

Q: Is it true that I have a public profile related to my Amazon.com account? I thought you said it on your show. It's crazy!

A: In short, yes, it's true. On paper, that makes a lot of sense: when you shop on Amazon, the company wants to learn as much as you can about it. During the holidays, these public profiles and wish lists help people buy gifts for you. However, Amazon does not say it very clearly to its customers. Now that you are aware of this, you will probably want to make your information invisible. Fortunately, it's a pretty easy thing to do. Type or click here for five obscure Amazon settings that you need to change now.

Subscribe to podcasts

Q: How can I get your podcasts? What does it mean to subscribe to podcasts?

A: "Subscribe" to a podcast usually means that (a) you will receive alerts when a new episode comes out, (b) your device automatically downloads the podcast and (c) you stay up to date with your favorite . shows. Podcasts are more popular than anyone has ever imagined: according to some estimates, there are more than half a million podcast series on iTunes, and a quarter of adult Americans say they listen to at least one podcast a month. Subscription keeps you informed, especially when there's a lot of free content on the go, and it's easy for many of us to forget what we've listened to. Tap or click here to subscribe to my podcasts.

Slow Tablets

Q: My tablet runs much slower than when I first received it. What is going on?

A: A tablet is like any other computer: fast and efficient when you buy it for the first time, but over time, your tablet starts to slow down. You accumulate photos and videos and store them on your device. You download applications and run them in the background. All this clutter will slow down his operating system. Meanwhile, there is also your search history and your call logs, and many of us do not realize that it also stores storage. Tap or click here to speed up your tablet and smartphone.

Learn programming

Q: I would like to learn how to program. What is the best way to start?

A: I always have good memories of typing code for my college programming classes. Whether you want to become a professional programmer or not, coding can be a rewarding activity in itself. A program is working properly and you've fixed all the bugs, and the computer is doing what you've imagined. At the time, you had to take a computer science course. now you can learn the code online, for free. Tap or click here to learn how to code for free.

What questions about the digital lifestyle do you have? Call my national radio show and click here to find it on your local radio station. You can listen to the Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet or computer. From buying tips to the problems of digital life, click here for my free podcasts.

Copyright 2018, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Discover all the latest technologies on the Kim Komando Show, the biggest radio talk show in the country. Kim answers calls and provides advice on the current digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to privacy and online data protection applications. For his daily tips, his free information letters and more, visit his website at Komando.com.

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