Spotify finally increases its frustrating limit on offline downloads


Screenshot: Spotify

Spotify has finally addressed what is, for many users, the biggest problem of its service. On Wednesday, he raised the number of songs that users are allowed to download for offline listening.

Last night, something weird happened. I was asleep listening to music and adding albums to my Spotify library when I accidentally selected "Download" instead of "Save", and it worked! Earlier this year, I started paying for Spotify to avoid commercials and to be able to download music to my phone. The download occurs only when you are connected to the wifi with the application open. I've selected the download on a lot of albums, but it took a while for everything to be processed and suddenly, I reached the limit of 3,333 tracks per device.

No matter how many tracks I removed, I was still at the limit. And when I chose "download" again, a pop-up window informed me that I had exceeded the limits, pleading myself as a slow form of water torture. Last night's alternative made me think I had finally eliminated enough selections, but in reality, Spotify just increased the limit of offline songs to 10,000 titles per device with a limit of five devices .

Rolling Stone was the first to report the change. We asked Spotify to comment on its decision, but we did not receive an immediate response. A community leader for the company's forums confirmed the new limit by writing:

At Spotify, we are always working to improve the experience of our users. We can now confirm that we have increased the number of offline tracks per device – from 3333 on 3 devices to 10,000 tracks per device for up to 5 devices.

I am far from being the only one to have found this annoying. You can find countless people complaining about it online. Personally, I need downloads to get to the metro on the subway. Many other users have strict data limitations or can not stream online when they are traveling.

As The Verge points out, users still have a limit of 10,000 tracks on their personal library, so I guess it will be the next wall I encounter. But for now, I have few complaints.

[Rolling Stone]
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