Spotify joins Ancestry for a new playlist concept


[Image via: Mixmag]

Giant of genealogy Ancestry have teamed up with the streaming service Spotify for a project that is honestly pretty cool. The two have come together to put you in touch with music that speaks to your culture and background.

Ancestry has made sure that when you sign up for the program, you send your saliva and what you do not do, they will enter the data into Spotify. In turn, he will select a group of tracks that will reflect the cultures of your ancestors and which, mixed with your listening habits, will create what they call your "musical DNA".

This idea came as an attempt by Ancestry to help people "live their culture and not just learn more" and what says live more than listening to songs that resonate with your family. cultural history?

Check out the full service here at $ 99, there are probably better ways to spend your money, but if you still use Ancestry, why not?

[Via: Mixmag]

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