Spyro Reignited Trilogy Xbox One Review: Enhanced Classic Games


A few years ago, Activision released the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane trilogy on PlayStation 4. Since then, rumors have suggested that the publisher has other classic game remasters. When the Crile Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy finally landed on the Xbox One and other platforms a year later, everyone hoped that the alleged Spyro Reignited trilogy would hit all consoles at the same time. That did not happen But …

Spyro Trilogy development

A few months later, Spyro Reignited Trilogy was only announced on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Although it's unfortunate that not everyone could play the game at the same time, it could end up on D & # 039; Other devices next year. Nevertheless, it's an absolutely gorgeous experience on Xbox One X. There may be some camera issues – especially during underwater games – but overall, Spyro Reignited Trilogy stands out with Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition as one of the best performances of the upgrade of a beloved classic.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is one of the best executions to enhance a beloved classic.

The package includes Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Rage Rip! !, and Spyro: the year of the dragon. Each match seems longer than the previous one and his bosses are even more difficult. For example, eliminating a scarecrow in the first game is a child's game compared to the third slice's fire lizard.

Spyro Trilogy levels, controls and camera

The Spyro Reignited trilogy offers a wide variety of levels, as you will be able to experience frosty wastelands and lush forests. Each game offers a world of hubs with different "doors" leading to different levels. Depending on the game, the goal is to free up dragons, collect eggs or acquire talismans. The plot of each adventure can be basic – a comical villain must be stopped – but the gameplay enhances the experience.

The controls are tight and the fight is smooth.

Spyro has some basic attacks. Like any other dragon, he can fire flames from his mouth. However, to crack objects and crush some enemies, you must use the charge attack. Finally, the cute protagonist purple has the ability to slide through the air. It is important to time the jumps, and gaining as much altitude before sliding on another platform will be very useful. Unlike the original games, the controls are tight and the fight is smooth.

However, the camera still has some problems. For example, there is a level that requires you to swim under water for a prolonged period. Like Forsaken Remastered, you can move in any direction. Unfortunately, it is difficult to swim because you have to constantly charge your enemies because your flames do not work under water. Positioning the camera then charging is a pain for the least.

Spyro Trilogy visual quality

The Spyro Reignited trilogy seems absolutely phenomenal on the Xbox One X. The gameplay and cinematics look like an animated film. The decision to use Unreal Engine 4 was the right one, as it is one of the most attractive games on the platform. It's obvious that the title does not go to photorealism, but when you're dealing with a nice platform game, you have to make sure that the art shines above all else. Fortunately, performance is not hindered by Unreal Engine 4, because the game is well optimized for hardware.

The Spyro Reignited trilogy seems to work at 1440p on Xbox One X.

The Spyro Reignited trilogy works at 30 frames per second (FPS) on Xbox One X and delivers crisp graphics. The resolution is not clear, but it is superb on a 4K screen. This is not native 4K, it is safe. The image quality is similar to that of Conan Exiles, which reaches 1440p on the console. There are no "irregular" borders and the performance is stable, apart from the occasional stutter when loading screens.

All Spyro games have the same controls and mechanisms. Sometimes it is necessary to jump quickly or hit an enemy as soon as the creature turns to hit you. If the rate had been 60 frames per second, it would have been much easier to accomplish these maneuvers. It's a pity that a higher frame rate has not been targeted to begin with.

Spyro Trilogy last thoughts

Overall, Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a great remake of the originals. It's very fun to play and gorgeous. Unfortunately, the lack of an option at 60 frames per second, even on the Xbox One X, and clumsy camera controls at some levels hurt the experience. Despite these problems, the remake pays tribute to some of the best platform developers ever created, and it is obvious that the developer Toys for Bob has spent many years designing this package. It is a work of love and that shines above all else.


  • Beautiful visuals.
  • Reactive controls.
  • Hilarious story.
  • Huge level variety.

The inconvenients:

  • Questionable support on Xbox One X.
  • Occasional camera problems.
  • Need a higher rate.

out of 5

The Spyro Reignited trilogy is expected to be available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on November 13, 2018. The game costs $ 39.99.

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This review was done on an Xbox One X, with the help of a copy provided by the publisher.

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