Square Enix News: Latest updates from Kingdom Hearts 3, Avengers, Final Fantasy 7 Remake


Square Enix remains surprisingly unobtrusive on some of its biggest games to come.

We see the company reveal little valuable information about Final Fantasy 7 and its mysterious Avengers game, but fortunately for us, the rumor is working overtime to compensate.

First of all, Kingdom Hearts 3 – there's a rumor going around that the game could be aimed at an Nintendo Switch release.

According to DreamcastGuy on Youtube, a source told him that Square Enix was seriously considering launching the much anticipated RPG title on Nintendo's famous handheld.

This is great news for fans of Final Fantasy 7.

Why? Because the mysterious Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 are running on the same engine – Unreal 4. If Square Enix plans to launch the game Kingdom Hearts next year on console, they may also consider launching FFVII on the Switch.

This is not totally out of the realm of possibility either.

Last year, Hajime Tabata and the development team that was working on Final Fantasy XV said that they had planned to bring the latest series title to the console, but the team could not "get the most out of the engine". on Nintendo Switch.

That said, Tabata noted that his team had not made any optimization on the console and that it might have worked better if they had … an interesting precedent for future releases.

On the western arm of Square Enix, the Avengers game has also seen some updates this week.

According to a new job offer, Crystal Dynamics developer is looking for an experienced software engineer with "experience of current and next generation platforms: Xbox, PlayStation and PC".

It seems that the developer can target a version for the next-gen game or cross-gen, which means that we may still be far from the game's launch.

It would be a shame – we thought seriously that we would learn about the title at E3 this year, but that never happened.

We can not wait to hear about the game soon.

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