St. Louis Uber and Lyft Driver Secretly Live-Streamed Passengers, Says Reports


"I've had some offline conversations with people, and they suggested getting rid of stored vods as a # 1 step to try to calm everyone down," he said. referring to video on demand on Twitch. "I did it," he added, "for the moment."

His story seems to be full of contradictions. Mr. Gargac broadcast live people without their knowledge while he was trying to become a police officer. He started driving to record and broadcast people. He asked a Post-Dispatch reporter not to use his full name in the story, to protect his privacy.

The story also raises a host of 21st century issues about technology, when people should expect privacy. sharing companies like Lyft and Uber. They are monitored for the supervision of their drivers, whom they consider as independent contractors and not employees.

"Basically, exposing people, especially women, to random people on the Internet is mean and false," said Alex Rosenblat, a researcher at the nonprofit think tank Data and Society

. Rosenblat, who is writing a book called "Uberland Author: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work," said she had studied the company for four years. There has been an upward trend in passenger registration, she said, motivated by "good reasons", such as ensuring driver safety, or being able to guarantee the quality of their passengers. service. just a totally different game, "she said." How can I monetize passengers as content? ""

Missouri law allows one person to register others without their consent, said Ari Waldman, Director of the Innovation Center for Law and Technology at New York Law School. He said the victims could theoretically sue for invasion of privacy, but "should show that the back of an Uber is a place where one can and should be deprived".

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