Star Citizen exceeds $ 200 million in crowdfunding before free week


Star Citizen has just exceeded the $ 200 million mark of crowdfunding. This monumental figure seems even bigger if you put it alongside the biggest budgets of video games of all time: only three other games – GTA 5, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic – have already had budgets over $ 200 million to play with.

The free-form multiplayer space simulation still has no release date (the Imperium Games Cloud developer has promised a complete roadmap next month), but that did not stop the crazies from coming back. space to gather there. According to its funding page, more than 2 million funders have blocked funds for an average of about $ 94 per person.

This was facilitated by the influx of money received at CitizenCon last month, where he revealed another star-studded trailer for Squadron 42, his solo spin-off.

He will probably receive another big cash injection next weekend as well, as the game will be free from November 23rd to 30th. You will be able to explore Hurston, the very first planet in the game, which will launch alongside the free trial period. . Learn more about the free week in Chris's article here.

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