Star Citizen raises more than a million dollars in four days after the release of the alpha test 3.3


Star Citizen may not have a release date, but fans are still giving it money. Four months after the developer Cloud Imperium Games powered alpha 3.3 on public test servers, marking the beginning of the convention between fans, CitizenCon, it has helped raise more than a million dollars , almost as many as a few months.

On Wednesday, when a new 42 Squadron trailer was unveiled, the game received close to $ 380,000, based on live fund tracking. Fans have backed it for an additional $ 325,000 on Thursday and about $ 190,000 on Friday and Saturday. To put this in perspective, he collected a total of $ 171,582 the week before.

This brings total crowdfunding to more than $ 195 million and could reach $ 200 million by the end of the year.

On the eve of the trailer, Cloud Imperium released the 3.3 alpha in Public Test Universe. The update allows players to use their webcam and microphone to associate their vocal and facial expressions with their game character. He also added a group of ships, including the ship Anvil Valkyrie, which will cost you $ 330. You can also buy a $ 700 version with expensive bells and whistles.

Cloud Imperium has promised to release a "complete roadmap for the exit of Squadron 42" in December. We will not be able to wait until the game finally comes out.

Finally, the main presentation at CitizenCon included over an hour of play that you can watch here.

Thank you, Eurogamer.

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