Steam August VR hardware survey: Oculus Rift makes its biggest leap on HTC Vive


August's Steam Hardware Survey results are now underway, and the Oculus Rift is making its biggest leap forward compared to HTC Vive.

Last month's survey revealed a difference of less than 2% in the use of the two main VR PC headsets on the Valve gaming platform, but this gap rose to just under 4% in August. Vive arrived with 42.58% of the total share (against 44.35% last month), and Rift won 47.11% (slightly up 46.18%). Valve also estimated that Rift was the most used VR helmet on its platform by 0.35%. Did the launch of the Oculus Marvel offer: Powers United VR give the helmet a boost?

It seems that Microsoft's Windows VR headsets played a role in widening this gap, as their share also went from 6.41% to 7.18% this month. This category covers a wide range of devices, many of which are regularly on sale at prices well below the $ 500 Vive and $ 400 Rift, which has undoubtedly helped them climb back into the chart since their launch. 39, last year.

The physical survey is an optional survey that collects data on equipment used by clients. Since it is an option and users must actually use their headsets instead of just saying that they own them, it is not in any way in a definitive way to say which VR headset is in the lead. tendencies. Since its launch in early 2016, Oculus and HTC have not provided official sales data for their respective headsets.

September brings to Rift and Vive a handful of big versions like Zone of the Enders 2, although nothing seems to really boost sales of headsets. All eyes will be on Oculus Connect 5 at the end of the month to see what Facebook's VR team is introducing into the future of VR hardware.

This story originally appeared on Copyright 2018

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