Steam puts adult games on hold while preparing a new tool


Valve Software wants to leave every game on Steam as long as it is not illegal or trolling. This means that the content on the theme of adults is welcome on the platform. The company made a commitment to drop everything on Steam in early June following its plan to remove Japan's sexual video novels from its platform. The company moved back from this position and adopted an open version of Steam, but it also promised new tools to help people not see certain types of games on their version of the store … and now Valve retains some games from Steam to According to a developer, the developer of Starnova, Love In Space, told fans on Twitter that Valve would not add his game to the store before having the tools that would allow you to do. and me to prevent Steam from showing us a game like this.

Love In Space also stated that he did not have a timeline on the timing of his play or its filtering options on one of the largest portals. for PC game sales around the world. But Valve has confirmed that he is working on them and that he is holding back some games.

"Yes, some titles are retained," wrote a spokesman for Valve in a note to Gamasutra. "We will have more information about it soon."

In a blog on Steam last month, one that addressed what Valve should leave on Steam, long-time engineer Valve Erik Johnson said that was not the case. role to play gatekeeper. Instead, the company should create the tools that players and developers need to find each other. He also gave some first ideas of what Valve thinks about when it comes to new ways to control your Valve shopping experience.

"Adopting this approach allows us to focus less on what should be on Steam, and more on building these tools to give people control over the types of content they see," Johnson said. "We already have some tools, but they're too hidden and not complete enough, we're going to allow you to replace our recommendation algorithms and hide the games that contain the topics you're not interested in. So, if you do not want to see the Anime games on your shop, you will be able to make this choice.If you want more options to control exactly the types of games that your children see when they are browsing the store, you will be able to do it. "

Personally, I hope to be able to transform Steam into nothing but adult anime games. Where are my waifus, Gabe!

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