Summary of the Apple Watch Series 4 review: it's the one we expected


After yesterday's comments on iPhone XS / Max, now is the turn of criticism of the Apple Watch Series 4 – and there was no better contrast between the two.

Aside from the quotes chosen by Apple, critics have been mostly underestimated by the new iPhone, advising iPhone X users not to disturb the upgrade and older model owners are not take to the iPhone XR.

But when it comes to the new watch, the majority view is that the Series 4 is finally holding the promise of the device – and now is the time to buy. Same mechanical monitoring site Hodinkee shared this view …


buzzfeed was less impressed than most, but Charlie Warzel said he was not a "fan of the Apple Watch," and prefers his Garmin watch with a 12-hour battery life.

At the moment, this only looks like an overview [of the future]. When Apple Watch debuted in the spring of 2015, the company marketed it as one of its "most personal devices," suggesting that people use it to unload some of the personal computers which we are used to. I saw the watch again at the time; My gimmick was that I only used the watch for 24 hours – no phone or computer – and I would see if it was possible to replace the phone by the wrist. My starting point then: "You can see a plausible future if you squint just like that. This future is attractive and cool, but it's just right. do not. The. Again."

A little more than three years later, I feel much the same. I can not seem to shake the notion that the watch is preparing us for a new kind of ambient computing behavior, where all of our material is barely noticeable, but connects to us – through wireless headphones and small scattered sensors and gyroscopes from hats to glasses to our clothes. We are not there yet, but devices like Apple Watch are bringing us closer.

Watch the site Hodinkee Series 4 is the right time to try smartwatch.

If you've never owned an Apple Watch and wondered if it's right for you, Series 4 is a very compelling argument to try your luck. This looks like the first iteration of Apple through the archetype of Apple Watch, defined by the three principles described by Jeff Williams at the beginning of last week (and referenced at the beginning of this story). It's consistent, it's ambitious and it could just encourage you to improve your habits and behaviors. If you still have not looked at Apple Watch and are waiting for the right moment, this is the moment. Dark […]

Do you want to trade your mechanical watches for an Apple watch? No, you're not going. But I think it's worth adding an Apple Watch to your rotation if you do not already have one. I'm not one to work with mechanical watches, so here I have an opening in life for an Apple watch. There are also days when it's good to have a little more information at your fingertips and leaving this vintage sports watch at home for a few hours is not the worst thing in the world.

From there, I think you will probably learn a little more about your connection to watches. What do you miss and what do you miss in your more traditional watches? What does the Apple Watch bring into your life that your mechanical watches can not? These are all good questions and I know a lot of watch collectors (myself and a few others Hodinkee publishers among them) who like to run an Apple watch with their other watches. The era of watch enthusiasts rejecting the Apple Watch is long gone and, at this point, it seems almost indispensable for anyone more interested in timepieces.

more describes the haptic reactions proposed by the new Digital Crown, as well as an interesting detail on the side button (there is also a soft drop detection test included):

The new click is absolutely more accurate and fun to use. It's catchy, if it's really the AirPod lid I'm not sure it's enough to make me forget my bad habits, but I really believe in the future of the touch interface and I really like it Apple's position here.

The side button is flush now but remains a real button. It does not make Series 4 more resistant to water or "swimming" than Series 3. It's always the same. But it is a little harder to find with your one finger, which can be an accessibility problem. If you're not used to Apple Watch conventions, you'll always know Something is there, you may need experimentations or explicit information to help you understand what it is. If you are used to Apple Watch, however, you will not even notice what you do not notice: you only have to press the side and it will work as before. […]

If you have an iPhone, you should have an Apple Watch. And you should probably have a series 4. If you do not have one at all, do not give me any bullshit about not wanting or needing a watch or a computer portable.

the Independent also said that if you have not bought an Apple watch yet, now is the time to do it.

I like this Apple Watch. This is the biggest step change between the iterations of Apple technology. This is not perfect […] but it's incredibly good.

For starters, it is the most beautiful watch of Apple. It takes my breath away every time I lift my wrist and the screen quickly disappears in full color glory. If this sounds exaggerated, wait until you see one in the flesh.

Seriously, this is not only the most elegant evolution of Apple Watch's design – although it certainly is also the case. It brings design to a new level of opulence […]

Last year, the series 3 was great, but it's a novelty. The design is simply beautiful and its bright and vivid display with its narrow and curved glasses seems sensational. The power of performance is perceptible at all levels, and heightened health and physical fitness are welcome.

If you refused to get an Apple watch because you thought it was not the case yet, well, it's now.

the New York Times almost everything, but not recommended to buy it as the first smartwatch – or to upgrade it from series 3.

Much of the rest of the Apple Watch Series 4 seems boring on paper. Compared to its predecessors, the fourth-generation smart watch has a slightly larger screen and is faster for tasks such as loading apps. Yet the evolution of the watch, from a fitness monitor to a health monitor, makes it extremely attractive in the long run. […]

The screen stretches from one edge to the other, letting the applications take up more space on the face of the watch. This enlarged display makes everything on the watch better, including text […]

The difference in speed was more obvious using Siri, Apple's voice assistant. By simply lifting the watch towards my mouth, I could talk about a command like "Set a timer for 20 minutes" and the watch barely reacted with a delay. The hands-free ability to invoke Siri is a hallmark of the new operating system of the Apple watch, WatchOS 5. In my book, this is how the watches were meant to be used: without having to press any of them button.

I would not recommend it to people who are considering a smart watch for the first time. Here's why: $ 399 is a high price to pay for a light utility gadget. Fortunately, Apple is selling its old Series 3 watch, which I described as a great product last year, for $ 279. This is the right time to get the old one.

I would not want to switch to series 4 of a recent generation of Apple Watch, because the improvements will not be significant. But if you bought the original Apple Watch in 2015 and you liked it, it will be an excellent update. The first watch was slow, with a limited life, and no longer receives updates from the operating system. Series 4 meets all the flaws of the first-generation watch, and the speed gain will be a big step forward.

Runner's World said the Apple Watch is finally a great option for runners – but more for watchOS 5 than for the new Series 4 hardware. In fact, it recommended the 3 Series cheaper for young runners without health problems.

With watchOS 5, you can now download podcasts to the watch and listen to them, even when you're not carrying your phone. Just like the Music app works, the watch will sync new episodes when the watch is connected to a charger and wifi. […]

At one point we all went out and forgot to start our watch. Now the watch will recognize the start of an activity and will even try to identify the type. […] and the watch will have saved your data since the beginning of the activity, not just when you press the start button.

For goal-oriented marathoners, Apple has added a feature common to other advanced GPS watches: rhythm alerts. You configure them in the Workouts app on the watch (click on the three points of the training mosaic dataset to access the parameters of this type of training). While running, the watch warns you every time you cross the preset threshold. For example, if you accelerate and go from 8:05 to 7:55 on average, you will be notified once. But alerts are rare, so you do not get upset.

The Sydney Morning Herald said that Apple has taken a slow start in the smartwatch race, but has now left everyone far behind.

Apple joined the market in 2015, with a device that seemed confusing (and that was the case). At the time, Google's software was so far ahead of Apple, and Google's willingness to follow your every move to guess what you'd like to see on a small screen, in contrast to Apple's commitment to privacy. capture […]

Like the tale of hare and turtle, Apple has continued to iterate on its design, while Google seems to have abandoned the race. Today, Apple is far ahead, with Samsung's Gear Watch, far behind, but still the best choice for Android users. Android Wear, now called Wear OS by Google, is far behind both.

Last year, the Apple Watch Series 3 was a leap forward, both hardware and software. Apple is now competing with itself and Series 4 is back in the lead. The hardware is fast enough that no interaction is delayed, whether it is turning your wrist to turn on the screen or touching a complication to launch an application.

The screen of the Apple Watch 4 has been redesigned with a display without edge and edge to edge that fits more on the screen. The two new computer graphics take advantage of all this space […] Series 4 is compelling for those who can afford it.

Eleven years after the release of the iPhone, the most important product of Apple offers only incremental improvements with each new update. This seems to disappoint the experts, who demand considerable technological advances at each exit. But those who want a drastic improvement from one year to the next must look only at the Apple Watch, which shows no signs of slowing down.

TechCrunch said that the best smartwatch on the market is only getting better – mostly in small ways, but they are adding up.

About two and a half minutes from my race, the watch settles down. There is a haptic noise on the wrist. "It looks like you're training," the face of the watch reads […] It sounds like a small thing, but, then, most of the updates are relatively small in the grand scheme of things […]

If you used a previous version with regularity […] The increase of the surface is quite obvious, especially when an e-mail notification is sent. It also means that application developers may be more accurate and that faces of the watch may have additional complications. […]

Apple's success does not lie in any single feature. On the contrary, as with the iPhone, the company has excelled in providing a comprehensive hardware and software experience that allows the product to be used primarily without thinking. […]

The Series 4 is not the type of refresh that warrants upgrading since the last generation, especially considering starting prices of $ 399 and $ 499 for standard and LTE models, respectively. But it's certainly enough to keep the Apple Watch at the top of the smartwatch heap. The addition of serious health features such as ECG and fall detection helps lay the foundation for what will become the device and category.

TechRadar said that Apple had hit the two things that people were looking for an update.

The Apple Watch 4 finally brought what many were looking for in the Apple bracelet: a new design, something that propels it in terms of usefulness.

The larger screen and the more rounded edges are much more enjoyable to look at and offer more features. In addition, some additional features are designed for those who are a little more vulnerable or who suffer from certain health problems. […]

The Apple Watch 4 stole the show at the launch of three new iPhones, and for good reason: where they were only copying the iPhone X since last year, the Watch 4 seems significantly different. It's Apple's best smartwatch – not just because it's the most recent, but by far.

Not only for the upgrade of the display and size, without adding much weight, but in the way Apple pushes it: the Watch 4 is now a health-focused device, to help you stay in shape . a serious condition – or even just protect the most infirm for their loved ones.

For: larger display. Lightweight design Stronger speaker.

Against: always on the expensive side. The battery life should be more than two days.

United States Today & # 39; hui said that health features are the real reason to buy series 4.

Which is fun with the new Apple Watch Series 4 that I have been wearing for several days. You hope you never need to use some of its most remarkable features. And yet, these features – fall detection, an ECG – are the main reasons for considering Apple's latest watch.

At the risk of stereotypes, we can assume that Apple is attacking an older clientele, which, overall, may be more indifferent to older smart watches. […]

Those of you who buy Series 4 will appreciate its bigger screen, its louder speaker, and so on. But Apple has pushed the new watch as the guardian of your health and it is undoubtedly the most important reason to buy it. Even if your goal is to never have to use these features.

The edge shares the view of the majority that Series 4 ultimately achieves the original purpose of the Apple Watch.

Launched with great fanfare four years ago, the original version was trying to do far too little, and its software was confusing. Even worse, it was hard to know what the original Apple Watch was for. No things stood out.

Then, Apple did what Apple often does: iterated, refined and corrected. But even though software and hardware improvements were made to Series 2 and Series 3, the biggest improvements were Apple Watch's goal. This has gained clarity. It was for fitness and notifications. Finally, when it was ready, Apple added better connectivity.

Now, with the 4 series, Apple is reiterating. And most importantly, he learned to reiterate the material of the product and its purpose at the same time. The 4 series has finally achieved something like the initial goal of the Apple Watch. It's not quite a computer to do on your wrist, but it can be different for different people now.

Good stuff: Great battery life. Huge, beautiful screen. Health monitoring functions, not just the physical form.

Bad things: Siri is still not reliable. No permanent screen option. Complication options can be confusing.

We will of course bring you our own ideas – including the new parts of my Apple Watch Diary series.

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