Summary of the story of Red Dead Redemption: What you need to know before playing RDR2


It's been eight long years, but we're finally back in Old West in Red Dead Redemption 2. The title of the game may have a "2", but it actually serves as a prequel and a complementary piece to the original. What better time to revisit the plot of the excellent Red Dead Redemption 2010? After all, we know for sure that we will see many familiar faces in Red Dead Redemption 2.

If you have not completed the original Red Dead Redemption, there will be some big spoilers in the upcoming slides. Although it is not necessary to enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2, knowing the plot of the first game could potentially improve your enjoyment for the future. That said, we strongly recommend playing Red Dead Redemption anyway. Did not we mention that it's excellent?

In this article, we summarize all the major events, since the first attempt of the main character John Marston to reason with former ally Bill Williamson, going through his trip to Mexico and his confrontation against the Dutch Van der Linde.

Once you have finished reading the story of the first game, do not miss our summary feature that includes all the latest news, trailers and game footage of Red Dead Redemption 2. The game adds many exciting new mechanisms, so be sure to check out our detailed feature listing them all. However, if you are more intrigued by the development of the game and some of its inspirations and major influences, you should read our article describing how previous Rockstar games, such as Bully, Max Payne 3 and LA Noire, have had an impact. about its mechanisms.

In the meantime, what is your favorite Red Dead Redemption moment? And what excites you most in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

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