Summer Games Done Quick 2018: what to watch on the last day


Just five events will close the last 18 hours of Summer Games Done Quick 2018. The last game to turn tonight will be puwexil in Final Fantasy 6. Other races include a six-player ( two teams of three) race on Super Mario Maker where competitors have no idea what kind of level they are getting.

You can watch all this live here:

Summer Games Done Quick 2018 has so far raised approximately $ 1.2 million for Doctors Without Borders, or about $ 500,000 less than the Last year. There is still half a day left to play, and a bonus of $ 150,000 is still pending. If it is replaced, it will replace the last installation block of tonight (at 18:36) with a race Any% of Super Mario Odyssey NicroVeda. NicroVeda was, until three days ago, the world record holder in this game and this category. (The new number 1 is Suisaiga de Belgum, in 1:02:15.)

Among the other challenges still open, several are planned for the finale of Final Fantasy 6, which includes the famous aria of GDQ player Sumichu. Here it is, performed by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Charles Hazlewood) and singer Sabina Zweiacker. No pressure, Sumichu.

And here are the latest events from noon today until the end at 3:03 tomorrow morning.

  • At 12:11, eddaket in New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Warpless). Eddaket is sixth in this category.
  • At 1:21 PM, SnowieY101 in Undertale (True pacifist end). Snowie's 1:24:38, two months ago, is the world record for this category.
  • At 15:16, Carl Sagan, grandpoobear, GlitchCat7, rejections, jaku and Cliffy in Super Mario Maker, Blind 3-on-3 level race. Due to the random nature of this event, the Record time does not really mean much here, but all six are accomplished speedrunners.
  • At 16h56: Runnerguy2489 takes The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • At 18:36, if the goal of donation is achieved, NicroVeda (World No. 2) performs Super Mario Odyssey . This is the third most-run game on (current account) and at one time it was the most played game, despite the launch at the end of October 2017.
  • At 19:53, puwexil in Final Fantasy 6 . (Glitchless Any%). Puwexil was the world's No. 1 until ffmonk9 took the record five months ago. SGDQ has reserved 7 hours for this one; A world class time is usually six hours
  • At 3:03 Summer Games Done Quick ends with his final show recounting the best races and the memories and friendships of this event. Next appointment: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, which will take place in January

As always, Summer Games Done Quick is a business that lasts 24 hours a day. You may have missed something overnight. For this, we recommend that you check out the constantly updated VOD thread on r / speedrun and the official Games Done Quick channel on YouTube.

Quick 2018 summer games benefit Médecins Sans Frontières. Last year, this event raised a record $ 1.7 million for philanthropy. To give, visit this donations page.

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