Super Mario Party would like you to be nicer with your friends


There is no game that makes me more upset than me. Mario Party. A decade of games on many Nintendo consoles has never left us with a shortage of vendettas powered by board games. It's even more exasperating to lose when the person who beats you does it like a dinosaur wearing shoes. New Super Mario Party on the Nintendo switch can not to repair the friend quarrels, but at least it makes the trip a little more enjoyable.

As a precedent Mario Party Games Super Mario Party is essentially a digital board game. Players compete with a single Joy-Con controller and the game allows you to associate a second switch for more mini-games. In addition to the board game popularized by older games, Super Mario Party also offers several other modes, including rhythm games, a "team edition" board game, a river course in which you work with other players and unlimited access to unlocked mini-games. This is the first step of the series on the Nintendo switch, but the wedding is perfect.

There are not many surprises in the traditional game of Mario Party, where you roll dice and advance on a board to collect stars, but the boards feel balanced and fun. Players can also choose to roll a regular die or a specific theme around their character. Bowser, my favorite character, for example, has a set that will earn you more chips than the average die, but you run the risk of feeling it and falling on a side that will make you lose coins. The benefits vary by character, but they make your choice more strategic.

If working together is more your speed, Super Mario Party has some options. The river's journey is easy: you make your way through balloons to activate mini-games and add more time to a countdown. The trick is to work together to row your raft safely to avoid obstacles, which means a strategic beat with a Joy-Con in hand. If you combine two switches, you can play games using its touch and inter-screen features. These vary: working together to match bananas or fighting in a tank game.

But the best part of Super Mario Party is not a real game or board game. These are mini-games at your leisure. There are 80 in total, some new and some simply improved compared to previous games. Some personal examples for me included a game in which you hit your opponents for that they play the lead role in a photo; return a cube of meat to brown all sides; and collect pieces to form a character portrait. Land on these games by chance in Super Mario PartyThe different modes are exciting. It is best to completely abandon the setup and play them in free style.

Super Mario Party

Super Mario Party is not a revolutionary entry in the series, but it's fun. It offers the same kind of party experience as other Switch titles, based on mini-games, like the launch title 1-2 switchdoes not fit – whether watching Peach slap Wario to take a picture, or nonsense of all your friends who wave their Joy-Con so that adored characters get on a tricycle. The focus is on teamwork and sportsmanship in Super Mario Party. The game will not let you spend specific moments without everyone getting his JoyCon in a kind of "hoorah". Winning a team mini-game gives you the chance to win the top five, while the river course offers plenty of opportunities to silently shut your oars (by shaking your Joy-Con appropriately).

It's these moments, even if sometimes a bit cheesy, that break the tension and add something personal. I almost hit a friend in the face with an impatient arm movement, but at least everything was very entertaining.

Super Mario Party is available for Nintendo Switch.

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