Super Smash Bros. Ultimate already builds Nintendo disks


This December Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is preparing to launch for the Nintendo Switch as one of the great exclusives meant to destroy the competition. However, the game is already destroying records and it's not out yet. How can a game achieve such a feat? Well, breaking records is probably expected from a game called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and that's exactly what he did by crushing the record of the most pre-ordered and pre-ordered Switch game Smash Bros. Thu.

the Nintendo Versus Twitter Channel, covering Nintendo's competitive games such as the Super Smash Bros. series, sent a tweet stating that the upcoming game is one of the biggest Nintendo launches to date. And that the game that comes out for the switch already beats records, like the hammer crushing his opponents on the scene of the final destination.

According to the B-Roll footage presented in the tweet, it is explained that the game has become the best pre-sale Super Smash Bros., game of all time. Which means that it was right out of the Wii U, which was big enough in itself, although the console does not sell as many units. It also means that it's overcame Super Smash Bros. Brawl & # 39; s statistics on the Wii, which is one of the most sold consoles of all time by Nintendo.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has also become the best presale game on the Nintendo Switch. The shelf life is not long, but it is long enough to have a fairly large library of high quality games, some of which include the GOTY winner. The legend of Zelda: the breath of natureand the sale of several millions Super Mario Odyssey, which offers one of the best attachment rates to a console of all time.

Basically, it means that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is tracking to possibly sell better than Super Mario Odyssey, which sold more than 12.17 million SKUs. It would be an extremely impressive feat if this possibility materialized.

Even the designers of the game are a little suspicious about everything possible Smash Bros. sequels because Ultimate is so huge that there does not seem to be any more characters to add to the line-up. However, I would say that it's an erroneous assessment based on the very popular characters still swimming in pop culture. Nintendo could very well add characters like Ralph from Wreck-It Ralph to the line-up. It's like a perfect shoo-in for a guest DLC character, especially with Ralph breaks the Internet in theaters. Banjo of Banjo Kazooie This is another example, with Crash Bandicoot from his eponymous series that also makes a lot of sense.

Anyway, the lineup already has some of the biggest names in the game, including Sonic's Sonic the hedgehog and Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid, as well as dozens of other characters and guests. The character everyone is clamoring for is Goku from Arc System Works Dragon Ball FighterZ. If that became reality, I could easily see the sales break through the roof for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate after its launch on December 7th for the Nintendo switch.

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