'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 'Costs Nearly $ 2,000 to Be "Adequately Prepared"


Super Smash

AT Super Smash Bros. it has cost you $ 1,800 to be "prepared prepared" for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

That's right, according to Reddit User DaisyBeatEmUp, if you want to be fully prepared for the upcoming Nintendo Switch exclusively by having some type of familiarity with each other in the game and the games they originally appeared in, you will need to fork over some serious cash.

According to the user, not counting assist trophies or internships, you have to own a different Nintendo systems, and then have a set of Nintendo systems, such as Mario, Donkey Kong, and Fire Emblem franchises. Meanwhile, you'll also need to dabble in series beyond the Nintendo pantheon, such as Metal Gear Solid, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Mega Man.

Dunk Hunt's specials, the list would be even larger and more pricey.

If you're interested in finding everything you need to know and play with each other in the game, then you can find the full list via the aforementioned post. It's super long, and far from required, but if you have an extra $ 1,800 around and endless time to burn before the game releases, it may be worth a gander.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the fifth installment in the series, is poised to release later this year on December 7th, courtesy of the Nintendo Switch and developer Bandai Namco Studios.

The latest entry in the popular Nintendo series is one of the most popular fighters ever Splatoon series and Ridley from the Metroid series. According to Nintendo, it will speed up combat, add further depth to defensive options, add new attacking options, and new features.

For more on the platform fighter, be sure to peep our previous coverage of the game here.

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