Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass


Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass



Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the pride of its fans by including a large number of iconic characters during its launch. Fans were disappointed to learn that the last two members of the lineup, revealed as the last, were the last of the group. But these same fans quickly found hope that their most wanted character would play the game when a special ad was made. A special fighter pass will update the crossover fighter after the launch with five additional characters. We do not know who these new fighters will be, so we will be making our most popular choices known.

Here is a list of five characters that we hope Super Smash Bros. Ultimate list as a DLC.

Geno (Super Mario RPG: The legend of the seven stars)

Geno Super Mario RPG

Nintendo, Square

There was a time when three of the most requested characters for smash were deemed too impossible to list – Ridley, King K. Rool and Geno. Masahiro Sakurai, the famous creator behind Super Smash Bros., made two of these characters succeed in making Ultimate. Only one last member of this group remains to be considered. And judging by the passion of his fans, Geno joins the Ultimate the list is a must.

Geno can fill two positions – as the star character of Super Mario RPG and the second representative Square of the game. Assembling a set for the Star Road warrior should be an easy task – his skills are centered around his beam, his Geno Boost, his Geno Whirl, Geno Blast and Geno Flash. To see him equipped with his ultimate weapon Star Gun would be the ultimate (pun). Geno deserves to join Ridley and King K. Rool to make it impossible … possible.

Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie)

Banjo Kazooie

Microsoft Studios, Rare

If Phil Spencer has no problem with the bear / bird combo that makes it smash, so I do not see any reason for Sakurai to keep him out of the way. Before Banjo and Kazooie joined the Xbox family, they became platform stars on the Nintendo 64. Many fans thought that licensing issues prevented Rare's iconic duo from returning to a Nintendo game. But Phil Spencer tweet to put these fears at rest. The Fighters Pass is the perfect opportunity to make Banjo & Kazooie smash a reality (leaked dummy list leaked be damned!).

Banjo would be the top half of the team doing the most work, while Kazooie could appear from time to time to assist his beefy buddy. Banjo can tap into his magic spells to keep his enemies at bay. In addition, he can inflict physical damage via his prior throwing and tap into an assortment of additional ranged attacks with his numerous weapons and gadgets. The magic key of Kazooie could also come into play. This dream DLC character scenario is something we hope to see happen.

Bandicoot Crash

Bandicoot Crash

Activision, Vicarious Visions, Toys for Bob, Iron Galaxy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate The character selection screen is the material from which childhood dreams are made. Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and many other stars of the game are at the rendezvous. With such a selection of platform heroes, it makes sense that another player joins the party. Battle Royale PlayStation All-Stars sorely missed on Crash Bandicoot. smash This is the game that makes fan service its top priority, which means it's the perfect candidate to give Crash fans what they want.

The orange marsupial would go perfectly with the many game icons that preceded it. And the only way to follow them is to adopt the abilities he used in his first three games. A crash can do damage via its tornado turn, body splash, slips, bazooka and hop & bop maneuver. In addition to this varied range of attacks, Crash can exploit the power of the Aku Aku mask and accumulate a lot of knockouts. Overall, Crash Bandicoot is ready for use smash!

Mach Rider

Mach Rider


Many of you do not say anything at this time just the mention of this character. The much older group of players knows exactly who this road warrior is. This individual comes from a classic futuristic runner of the NES released in 1985. Until now, smash did his best to honor Nintendo's historic past by introducing Mr. Game & Watch, Duck Hunt and R.O.B. Nintendo should become even more nostalgic by ensuring that another 80s gaming representative has time to shine. The Mach Rider makes sense in the world as a new retro character who deserves a makeover in 3D.

The skill set of the Mach Rider should be easy to use – its main attacking tactic is to fire its trusty machine gun. Like Wario, Mach Rider has access to a bike. This bike should play a role in most of his special moves. In addition, it would be cool to see Oil Drums and The Quadrunners used as Attacks. It seemed that Mach Rider was being considered for Melee at one point, but it never happened. It seems that the time has come to rethink Mach Rider to occupy a place of choice in the last smash listing.

Red Wonder (The wonderful 101)

Wonderful red the wonderful 101

Nintendo, PlatinumGames

Bayonetta, the most recognizable character of PlatinumGames, is also the only representative of the game studio in smash. When discussing their association with Nintendo, PlatinumGames created two exclusive core heroes for the Wii U – Jack Cayman's Crazy world and Wonder-Red's The wonderful 101. Jack is totally too vicious and bloody in his approach to combat, which means he is not at all compatible with smash. As for Wonder-Red, its flashy appearance and multiple capabilities make it more likely to be included in Ultimate.

Wonder-Red is a powerful superhero who fights with the rest of his heroic team. On its own, he is able to present opposition with his giant fist. The rest of his skills could use the help of P-Star and the rest of The Wonderful 101. It's easy to imagine Wonder-Red with a Wonder-Blue Final Smash, Wonder-Green, Wonder-Pink, Wonder-Yellow, Wonder-White and Wonder-Black. Wonder-Red is the leader of this colorful crew, which means he's the one who should play the lead role as PlatinumGames's next actor. smash star.

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