Switch is a port machine, and I love it


I played a ton of old games on my switch. If you have one, you probably have it too. Now, of course, it's partly because the Switch does not have as many exclusive games. But that's also because Switch is a fantastic way to catch up with the older ones. Today, there are Limbes and inside tomorrow, the Crop Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and Wolfenstein II : The New Colossus . Yeah, the Switch turns out to be some kind of portable machine, but I love it.

Every week, more and more old games are worn on the Nintendo Hybrid, and every week I find myself grateful that this is the case. A few months ago, I was afraid that the year 2018 will be announced as a dead year for the Switch. After its incredible 2017, this year was not as strong in terms of new games. While this is true in terms of exclusivities, the overflow of impressive ports is offsetting. Switch had a scandalously good first year. Nearly 18 million switches were sold during the first year, or 4 million units more than the lifetime sales of the Wii U and in the vicinity of what the PlayStation 4 has reached at the same stage of its life cycle. There were no doubt many reasons for this level of success, including the fact that the Switch is simply a very good material both to hold and play games. There was also a list of superb exclusives in 2017, bookended by two of the most anticipated games of the year and, in fact, the best: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Nature and Super Mario Odyssey .

In terms of great novelties, 2018 has turned out to be something else. Nintendo started 2018 with a Direct in early January. Fans had been speculating for weeks on what the company was going to announce. Nothing new, it turned out. But the cumulative effect of more and more Wii U ports has been hard to ignore, with games like Hyrule Warriors and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze becoming two of my favorite among the games I immersed myself in this spring. The first is a hack mashup that will melt your brain and the latter has given one of the best players in Nintendo non-19459004 [Mario] in recent years a fresh start in front of an ever larger audience. [19659004] Ask 10 different people to name 10 different ports that they would like to see on Switch, and you could get a hundred different answers. Most of them would probably also be decent choices. Bayonetta was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2009. Bayonetta 2 released on the Wii U in 2014. The two have not found an audience as important as # They deserved the first time, and combined, they turned out to be one of the best anthologies you could buy when they arrived on the switch last February. Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta 1 is hardly alone in this respect, however

Another live in March revealed a new Smash Bros. as the great release of the end-of-year console, but beyond, more ports, such as Okami HD and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker . More recently at E3, Nintendo revealed a new game Mario Party would head to Switch in October, but two of the biggest announcements were the ports of Fortnite Battle Royale and Hollow Knight two of the best games of last year, would be available for download on the Switch as of this day. It can be said that June was one of her strongest months in terms of releases.

There is a lot of emphasis on being on the cutting edge of games, which does not just come from the millions spent on marketing, but also the culture around the comparison of all framerates in the world. number of characters may appear on the screen at the same time. Sometimes we talk about old games from a few years ago as they were old. The dam of the suites does not help either, especially considering their iterative nature. Each new game in a series is supposed to be better in every respect than its predecessor. As a result, games that look like the next big thing a year may feel disposable or even obsolete soon after. Anyone who has ever looked at the $ 5 customs clearance at GameStop or Best Buy knows it

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There are more than a few great games on the Wii U that have got the second look that they deserve thanks to the Switch, but also a long list of indie games, such as Shovel Knight and Enter The Gungeon which was published forever on other consoles but received a new love after coming on the Nintendo hybrid console. This in part reflects the number of great games released in recent decades that deserve to be played and replayed. In past years, ports were often games that I had already beaten or decided never to touch again, but now they are more often things that I always wanted to try or finish but that would never find the time to Love Binding of Isaac which I fell in love with when Afterbirth + was worn last spring

Some games sell millions of copies, many of which only sell a few hundred or thousands. The end result is that most people have not played at most games, even the biggest, something that is becoming more and more true to each new year. When old things reappear on the Switch, surrounded by a sea of ​​white space thanks to the minimalist layout of the interface, one has the impression of flipping through a set of timeless classics in a bookstore or critically acclaimed movies on Netflix. [19659003] Most of them are also uncontrollably transformed by being playable anywhere and anytime on a nice tablet screen with analog sticks and mechanical buttons on the sides . Have Stardew Valley or Darkest Dungeon embedded in the ebb and flow of everyday life – daily commutes, lunch breaks, waiting for friends before a Happy Hour or a movie – also makes it possible to enjoy them without the competition of the new games that catch my eye when I m sure to watch my Steam library or what's new on Xbox Marketplace. And unlike the old handhelds of the company, the Switch also plays great games in the style of what is possible on modern consoles. The port of Doom 2016 is the proof.

There is also something trendy about Switch. It feels fresh, even cool – not things that we normally associate with Nintendo, but it's 2018 and we are there. Like any trend, this phenomenon is also self-reinforcing. The more people are excited about the Switch and talk about what they're currently playing, the more others think it's where they want to be and want to be part of the scene, even if it's Is for playing games that have already been available on other platforms for months or even years.

Where Steam is an overwhelming market where what is played on Twitch and YouTube on any given day gets disproportionate attention, the Switch ecosystem, smaller and better organized, is out of sync. so a little protected from, the normal half-life of the talk centered on the game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a good example. If there is a poster for the games being played, the RPG of the open world of Bethesda should be at the top of the list. Seeing this on Switch, the sixth platform appeared in almost as many years, even me, Skyrim hateful I am who gave up the game after only 10 hours when he was on the Xbox 360 in 2011, I felt like last fall time to play again and I had the right to give him a second chance. I bought it, I restarted it, and found it oddly comforting to walk through the snowy mountains of Tamriel while laying under the covers of my bed. warm during the winter.

Nintendo has not solved the lack of a third-party support that has invaded since the time of the Wii. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will not be on the switch. But these absences are less noticeable when they are filled with a burgeoning library of the best games of the last decade. It can not be denied that the switch Breath of the Wild post- Odyssey is, at this time at least, essentially a port machine. But instead of being hurt by this fact, he has rather managed to make the reappearance of old fashionable games by reflecting them through the brilliance of a new, streamlined technology. Where the App Store has led to a sharp downgrade of mobile gaming, including console ports, the Switch seems to have managed to increase the value of everything it touches.

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