"TechCrunch" criticizes Facebook's dating service, calling it "an attempt to humanize Facebook monitoring"


It does not seem like Facebook can take a break. More and more users are deleting the application because the platform is becoming something old. The biggest problem is that Facebook is no longer appealing to younger people. And it may be this drop in interest that prompted Facebook to try its new dating service in Colombia.

And while this may sound like a good idea to some, there have been tons of reactions against the company for trying to do what other people had already done. And without a doubt, there are many other great options for online dating, including the hugely popular Tinder and eHarmony. But for a publication, TechCrunch, the new service is simply a disguise for something much more sinister. He detailed seven reasons why people should not trust Facebook to match them to their future partner. And number four is probably the most impactful.

"Algorithmic dating is both an empty promise and a cynical attempt to humanize Facebook's surveillance."

This statement is based on the underlying problem that an algorithm is doing the game. And the algorithm is powered by tons of data provided by the user, which may or may not be obvious to the Facebook user. In fact, the publication accuses Facebook of using "algorithmic expertise to turn a scary habit of following everything that everyone does into a formula to locate the love." She also insists that "monitoring" is nothing less than monitoring.

In addition, Facebook may try to use the dating service as "a new way of packaging and selling its uncomfortable people-watching practice." And if that's true, use people's vulnerabilities to find a partner. After all, there are many people who aspire to be with the person of their dreams. In addition, it is possible that many people who are reluctant to register on a dating site are more willing to participate in the Facebook service.

Perhaps if the Cambridge Analytica scandal had never been revealed, the dating service would have been received with fanfare and no questions asked. However, people are more suspicious of Facebook than ever, and while the public may not understand all the complexities, there is a new sense of distrust of the social network.

It is unclear for the moment how the trial will take place in Colombia. It will be interesting to know if the service is finally deployed in the United States.

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