Telltale Games is supposed to definitively close its doors


Telltale Games would close for good and sell all its assets, according to a report by GameDaily. The co-founder of Sherwood Partners confirmed on the site that he would take care of the liquidation and a former employee said his post-employment health insurance would be suspended at the end of November instead of 18 months as planned. Copies of the "Assignment for the benefit of creditors" agreement (non-judicial proceedings similar to bankruptcy) and letters to creditors have also been introduced and a number of company games are no longer available for sale on Steam.

These developments put an end to the slow decline of the Telltale Games, which was shaken with scandal after scandal during its last year of existence. At the end of last year, the studio announced that it would lay off a quarter of its workforce, shortly before accusations emerge that the company was plagued by issues related to its management culture. toxic substances. The events reached their peak at the end of September this year, when Telltale announced that he would fire all his employees except 25, without severance pay.

At that time, the studio's CEO insisted that "we did not close" and described the move as a "majority studio closure" that would allow the remaining employees to "fulfill the company's obligations to its board. administration and its partners ". months and a half since the layoffs, the development of the last season of The dead who walk has been moved to Skybound Games. Yesterday's developments suggest that "corporate bonds" are now fulfilled.

The report indicates that several Telltale games have disappeared from the sale on Steam, including Back to the future and Tales of the island of monkeys. However, although the last season of Walking Dead has been temporarily withdrawn from the sale, it is now reinstated in the store with other Telltale games, including Game of thrones. Other platforms such as GOG, PSN and XBL have not been affected so far.

A copy of the agreement on the transfer procedure was also published, which appears to have been signed by the company's Chief Executive Officer, as well as a letter sent to creditors and shareholders. The CEO of the company, Pete Hawley, who deleted or hidden his Twitter account, changed his LinkedIn status to show that his stay at Telltale ended this month.

Although the company did not respond to a request for comment at the time of the report's release, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that this is ultimately the end for Telltale Games. His two new projects – Stranger Things and The Wolf Among Us Season 2 – will probably never see the light of day again.

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