Telltale Games should move to Unity Engine


A tidbit of information that could partly explain some of the recent delays at Telltale Games: the company will change engine.

The news comes from Varietywho made an integral part of the company and the direction of their taking, with some of the misfortunes that they had lately like having their former co-creator and CEOs pursue the business. The majority of the details of the play why it took two years for an agreement with Netflix to make a Strange things game to cross. Part of this explanation involves changing the way the business does business at multiple levels, and if you browse the recent job listings of the company, you will notice a big change on the plane. technology.

credit // Telltale Games

Several people have noticed that the company listings now include a work experience with Unity Engine, which is a totally different system than they did their games during all this time. And it seems that the switch has been made to accommodate the Strange things Game. This could certainly explain why (with the layoffs of last year) The wolf among us 2 has been delayed if all games are switched to a new system. Which also means the last chapter of The dead who walk could very well be the last game produced under the old ways.

What do you think of the change at Unity? Do you prefer the current system or would you like to see Telltale Games change it?

(Last update June 25, 2018 7:00 pm )

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