Ten things I would like to know when I started "Red Dead Redemption 2"

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Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

While I have not yet beaten Red Dead Redemption 2, my Xbox does not stop repeating myself, through the success of the story, that I am more advanced than 98.5% of other players. This will happen when you play the game 10 to 12 hours a day, as if it was your job (that's my job), and so I think I'm able to write one of my traditional articles about the "ten things" before everyone else. becomes too deep

Some of the "to know" items were so urgent that I've already written articles on some of them, but if you missed them, I had to make sure that they were also included here, so please excuse us for the rehearsals. I also reserve the right to add more as I discover them (this game is so big that this list could probably have 50 elements), but for now, I think it's a good starting point.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a good game, but some elements are completely impenetrable with strange Rockstar design / gameplay / user interface decisions. But if you want to make the most of the game, here are ten things I would like to know when I started Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

1. Your missing hat is on your horse

First, the answer to the most important urgent question of Red Dead 2: "What happened to my hat?" Your hat will fall during almost every hand fist and many intense shootings, leaving many players wandering without a hat for hours if they can not retrace their exact steps to find it.

Well, good news. Buried in the maze of wheel inventory options, your hat can still be found on your horse if you lose it. I thought it was just the basic hat with which you started, but the more hats I was wearing, the more I found I could find all of them on my horse, no hat is really lost.

As a note, you can record outfits and keep them on your horse. I think that upgrading the saddlebags will give you more slots for your outfits. This is good if you want to change clothes depending on the city where you are or the weather.

2. The fast trip exists, but it's well hidden

My colleague Dave Thier who examined Red Dead 2 For us, before the launch, we managed to spend 80 hours without realizing that there is a system of rapid displacement insufficient in the game, but as the game never warns you directly, I will.

You can purchase a camp upgrade that gives the Dutch a more comfortable bedding. I mean, who wants to spend $ 200 on that, but it's necessary to unlock the next level of upgrades, which is a $ 300 Fast Travel Card that will be close to Arthur's bed. Fast Travel comes with some caveats in Red Dead. You can not travel of do not camp, and your horse must be in camp for him to work. To make sure your horse is still at the camp, buy the upgrade in the general ledger. So yes, it will save you some time, but because of its limited use (you can not move from one point to another as Fall), you will continue to travel a lot.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

3. You can travel on autopilot, but it's risky

Continuing along this path, there is a way to "autopilot" yourself at home that is poorly explained in the game. I thought the "cinematic mode" was simply meant to make the game cool in boring segments. What I did not realize is that if your horse is running, you can go into kinematic mode and they will follow the road no matter what your current waypoint, without you having to press any of them. other buttons.

This, however, has a number of disadvantages. First, it will be slower than manually climbing somewhere because your horse runs only at an "average" speed without sprinting. This will not let you make a horse tie on the way. But more importantly, because Red Dead In a dynamic world, you will often encounter problems in the kinematic mode, whether it is striking other horses or wagons if the autopilot is disheveled or running in specific events. Last night, I started on an autopilot to get back to the camp, but I ran into a roadblock full of gang members looking for revenge on me, and I was filmically shredded by a machine gun. they had in the back of a wagon I could manage to regain control. You must be aware most often on the road.

4. Changing a setting will help make the movement better

The last thing I'm going to say about movement and travel in the game is something I've already written about, but it's worth repeating. If you go into the accessibility settings in the game, you can switch from A / X button to A / X button. Although it does not work on horseback or for sprint (you will always have to overwrite A / X for this is a way to self-execute without constantly holding down 90% of the game. It also works when you're squatting, which is helpful.

Rock star

5. A whim is a header

One thing I learned as I progressed Red Dead 2 Like most Rockstar games, is not it really an RPG? This means that the more you play, the more you really do not start fighting bigger enemies that require more shots. Everyone is just … human, and as such, I would not want to dwell too much on your arsenal.

What I mean by "a shot to the head is a shot to the head" is that you can use your base revolver Cattleman and as long as you hit head shots on enemies, they are killed in the same way as a sniper of great power. This is not destiny or The division where you can throw a million shots in an enemy face and they will survive thanks to their level. Bullets are bullets here, and will kill everyone as they "should" except for sure, you. Of course, get colder guns for faster refills and more violent shots, but if you can hit those shots in the head consistently, you can practically use whatever you want, and no weapons Is too bad to accomplish a mission.

6. Secondary Missions of Skip Zero's "Minor" Group

Red Dead It's full of small and large missions, but those that I strongly recommend you do not forget are those you find in the camp, where a person wants to do something simple, like going fishing or hunting or to steal a random diligence. While in other games, this kind of mission would just search for quests, Red Dead 2 They are not only extremely interesting most of the time, but they are among the best moments of character development in the game with different members of your gang.

With Red Dead By assigning different gang members to the main missions, you can often spend hours without interacting with a specific gang member if they are not on the list. But these side missions will probably put you in touch with each person on your side at least once and really make you love those characters. My favorite missions have been with Lenny, Charles, and Kieran up until now, though they keep popping up and I do not know when they will end. Do not ignore them or you will miss some of the best conversations in the game. If you do not do them, they will not be there as you go through the story.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

7. Some useful shortcuts of the user interface

Back to the game, here are some useful elements of the UI that should make the game a little less complicated.

  • Hold down the start key (options, whatever) to instantly display the map instead of pressing a corresponding menu button.
  • Hold down B / O if you are immersed in the menus to instantly return to the game instead of hitting it a million times.
  • There is a manual backup / load option in Red Dead which is in the "history" section of the menu
  • Hold down the D-pad key to the left to display your log (read it, that's fine). By simply pressing the left on the D-pad, you will see your tasks and challenges
  • Red Dead can also be played in the first person (which makes it a little faster). Tap the touchpad on the PS4 or the Xbox display button to toggle

It's probably even more than I have discovered yet, but it's enough to get you started.

8. Do not miss the dual use

I did not intend to include this one, but it seems that many people did not understand the fact that very early in the game, you now have the opportunity to use two firearms. After performing a particularly bloody mission with Micah (you'll know one), you'll get a new case that will allow you to use two guns / turrets / truncated guns at the same time. To do this, you climb on the weapon wheel where there is a symbol with two arrows that will allow you to use two guns. Double the damage, but double the reload time. Yet, it reigns.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

9. These flashing red icons

These have confused me for a while, so I thought to add them here. There will sometimes be a strange flashing red icon on your horse's health that will actually be a "brush" symbol, which means you have to brush your horse several times to remove the dust and make it disappear. I think that makes it less efficient in one way or another, maybe it slows down or regenerates more slowly. You will want to erase it as soon as possible. You can also guide it in the water to clean it as well.

At camp, you will often see three red icons in the corner of the screen. This indicates the level of supplies currently in the camp and if the bullet, medical cross and food icons are red, it means you run empty. The white is always there, the yellow means that it is well stocked. I still do not know if it regenerates automatically, but if it does, it takes a while. long time, then you may just want to pay a few dollars for a manual replenishment to prevent this from happening. It costs a lot less than buying all that stuff individually in town.

10. Improve health and the dead eye

Although the way you improve your stamina and running is quite simple, you will likely find that your health and dead eyeballs are lagging behind. Dead Eye will slowly increase with head shots, but strangely, if you perform these household chores around the camp marked with black dots, you will get an increase of +5 Dead Eye per task. Also, hunting is probably the best way to get it up fast.

The health I have found improves quickly if you fight often (with bonuses as a rule) or if you kill a stealth knife or throwing knife. But also, health will increase substantially thanks to fishing. Lake fishing on a boat, especially when landing large fish, will bring you a healthy dose of health, allowing you to reach a higher level at a relatively fast speed if you are a hard-working fisherman.

Again, it's a huge game and there is a lot to say, but I hope it was helpful and you learned a thing or two. Please excuse yourself for everything you already knew, but it's easy for some people to miss some pretty basic details in this game. Good hunting.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

While I have not yet beaten Red Dead Redemption 2, my Xbox does not stop repeating myself, through the success of the story, that I am more advanced than 98.5% of other players. This will happen when you play the game 10 to 12 hours a day, as if it was your job (that's my job), and so I think I'm able to write one of my traditional articles about the "ten things" before everyone else. becomes too deep

Some of the "to know" items were so urgent that I've already written articles on some of them, but if you missed them, I had to make sure that they were also included here, so please excuse us for the rehearsals. I also reserve the right to add more as I discover them (this game is so big that this list could probably have 50 elements), but for now, I think it's a good starting point.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a good game, but some elements are completely impenetrable with strange Rockstar design / gameplay / user interface decisions. But if you want to make the most of the game, here are ten things I would like to know when I started Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

1. Your missing hat is on your horse

First, the answer to the most important urgent question of Red Dead 2: "What happened to my hat?" Your hat will fall during almost every hand fist and many intense shootings, leaving many players wandering without a hat for hours if they can not retrace their exact steps to find it.

Well, good news. Buried in the maze of wheel inventory options, your hat can still be found on your horse if you lose it. I thought it was just the basic hat with which you started, but the more hats I was wearing, the more I found I could find all of them on my horse, no hat is really lost.

As a note, you can record outfits and keep them on your horse. I think that upgrading the saddlebags will give you more slots for your outfits. This is good if you want to change clothes depending on the city where you are or the weather.

2. The fast trip exists, but it's well hidden

My colleague Dave Thier who examined Red Dead 2 For us, before the launch, we managed to spend 80 hours without realizing that there is a system of rapid displacement insufficient in the game, but as the game never warns you directly, I will.

You can purchase a camp upgrade that gives the Dutch a more comfortable bedding. I mean, who wants to spend $ 200 on that, but it's necessary to unlock the next level of upgrades, which is a $ 300 Fast Travel Card that will be close to Arthur's bed. Fast Travel comes with some caveats in Red Dead. You can not travel of do not camp, and your horse must be in camp for him to work. To make sure your horse is still at the camp, buy the upgrade in the general ledger. So yes, it will save you some time, but because of its limited use (you can not move from one point to another as Fall), you will continue to travel a lot.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

3. You can travel on autopilot, but it's risky

Continuing along this path, there is a way to "autopilot" yourself at home that is poorly explained in the game. I thought the "cinematic mode" was simply meant to make the game cool in boring segments. What I did not realize is that if your horse is running, you can go into kinematic mode and they will follow the road no matter what your current waypoint, without you having to press any of them. other buttons.

This, however, has a number of disadvantages. First, it will be slower than manually climbing somewhere because your horse runs only at an "average" speed without sprinting. This will not let you make a horse tie on the way. But more importantly, because Red Dead In a dynamic world, you will often encounter problems in the kinematic mode, whether it is striking other horses or wagons if the autopilot is disheveled or running in specific events. Last night, I started on an autopilot to get back to the camp, but I ran into a roadblock full of gang members looking for revenge on me, and I was filmically shredded by a machine gun. they had in the back of a wagon I could manage to regain control. You must be aware most often on the road.

4. Changing a setting will help make the movement better

The last thing I'm going to say about movement and travel in the game is something I've already written about, but it's worth repeating. If you go into the accessibility settings in the game, you can switch from A / X button to A / X button. Although it does not work on horseback or for sprint (you will always have to overwrite A / X for this is a way to self-execute without constantly holding down 90% of the game. It also works when you're squatting, which is helpful.

5. A whim is a header

One thing I learned as I progressed Red Dead 2 Like most Rockstar games, is not it really an RPG? This means that the more you play, the more you really do not start fighting bigger enemies that require more shots. Everyone is just … human, and as such, I would not want to dwell too much on your arsenal.

What I mean by "a shot to the head is a shot to the head" is that you can use your base revolver Cattleman and as long as you hit head shots on enemies, they are killed in the same way as a sniper of great power. This is not destiny or The division where you can throw a million shots in an enemy face and they will survive thanks to their level. Bullets are bullets here, and will kill everyone as they "should" except for sure, you. Of course, get colder guns for faster refills and more violent shots, but if you can hit those shots in the head consistently, you can practically use whatever you want, and no weapons Is too bad to accomplish a mission.

6. Secondary Missions of Skip Zero's "Minor" Group

Red Dead It's full of small and large missions, but those that I strongly recommend you do not forget are those you find in the camp, where a person wants to do something simple, like going fishing or hunting or to steal a random diligence. While in other games, this kind of mission would just search for quests, Red Dead 2 They are not only extremely interesting most of the time, but they are among the best moments of character development in the game with different members of your gang.

With Red Dead By assigning different gang members to the main missions, you can often spend hours without interacting with a specific gang member if they are not on the list. But these side missions will probably put you in touch with each person on your side at least once and really make you love those characters. My favorite missions have been with Lenny, Charles, and Kieran up until now, though they keep popping up and I do not know when they will end. Do not ignore them or you will miss some of the best conversations in the game. If you do not do them, they will not be there as you go through the story.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

7. Some useful shortcuts of the user interface

Back to the game, here are some useful elements of the UI that should make the game a little less complicated.

  • Hold down the start key (options, whatever) to instantly display the map instead of pressing a corresponding menu button.
  • Hold down B / O if you are immersed in the menus to instantly return to the game instead of hitting it a million times.
  • There is a manual backup / load option in Red Dead which is in the "history" section of the menu
  • Hold down the D-pad key to the left to display your log (read it, that's fine). By simply pressing the left on the D-pad, you will see your tasks and challenges
  • Red Dead can also be played in the first person (which makes it a little faster). Tap the touchpad on the PS4 or the Xbox display button to toggle

It's probably even more than I have discovered yet, but it's enough to get you started.

8. Do not miss the dual use

I did not intend to include this one, but it seems that many people did not understand the fact that very early in the game, you now have the opportunity to use two firearms. After performing a particularly bloody mission with Micah (you'll know one), you'll get a new case that will allow you to use two guns / turrets / truncated guns at the same time. To do this, you climb on the weapon wheel where there is a symbol with two arrows that will allow you to use two guns. Double the damage, but double the reload time. Yet, it reigns.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

9. These flashing red icons

These have confused me for a while, so I thought to add them here. There will sometimes be a strange flashing red icon on your horse's health that will actually be a "brush" symbol, which means you have to brush your horse several times to remove the dust and make it disappear. I think that makes it less efficient in one way or another, maybe it slows down or regenerates more slowly. You will want to erase it as soon as possible. You can also guide it in the water to clean it as well.

At camp, you will often see three red icons in the corner of the screen. This indicates the level of supplies currently in the camp and if the bullet, medical cross and food icons are red, it means you run empty. The white is always there, the yellow means that it is well stocked. I still do not know if it regenerates automatically, but if it does, it takes a while. long time, then you may just want to pay a few dollars for a manual replenishment to prevent this from happening. It costs a lot less than buying all that stuff individually in town.

10. Improve health and the dead eye

Although the way you improve your stamina and running is quite simple, you will likely find that your health and dead eyeballs are lagging behind. Dead Eye will slowly increase with head shots, but strangely, if you perform these household chores around the camp marked with black dots, you will get an increase of +5 Dead Eye per task. Also, hunting is probably the best way to get it up fast.

The health I have found improves quickly if you fight often (with bonuses as a rule) or if you kill a stealth knife or throwing knife. But also, health will increase substantially thanks to fishing. Lake fishing on a boat, especially when landing large fish, will bring you a healthy dose of health, allowing you to reach a higher level at a relatively fast speed if you are a hard-working fisherman.

Again, it's a huge game and there is a lot to say, but I hope it was helpful and you learned a thing or two. Please excuse yourself for everything you already knew, but it's easy for some people to miss some pretty basic details in this game. Good hunting.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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