Tesla has just been sued by an owner who crashed on the autopilot – BGR


With the recent craze around Tesla's production problems, Elon Musk's tweeting problems and the whole privatization affair, it's easy to forget Tesla's other lingering problems. But a woman from Utah, whose Tesla hit a fire truck stopped on the autopilot, will make it difficult for Tesla to forget it.

Heather Lommatzsch said in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that Tesla spokespeople had exaggerated the capabilities of the autopilot system, which led her to use it in a dangerous manner. The accident occurred in May of this year and, according to a police report, Lommatzsch had not really paid attention at the time.

By the Reuters report of the time of the accident:

Police in Utah said that a Tesla report on the vehicle showed that the S model pilot was activating the autopilot about 1 minute and 22 seconds before the crash. According to the report, she removed the hands from the steering wheel "within two seconds" after entering the system and did not touch the steering wheel for the next 80 seconds, until the accident occurred. occurs.

At the time of the crash, Tesla issued the following statement: "When using the autopilot, drivers are constantly asked to keep their hands on the steering wheel and to keep control of the vehicle at all times. Tesla has always been clear that Autopilot does not make the car insensitive to all accidents. "

In his trial, seen by NBC NewsLommatzsch says the Tesla salespeople overestimated the autopilot's capacity:

Heather Lommatzsch said in the lawsuit filed on Tuesday that Tesla sellers had told her in 2016 when she had bought the S model that she could simply touch the wheel occasionally while using the autopilot mode.

Lommatzsch also claims that the car's brakes did not work when she looked up and saw the fire truck. Lommatzsch is suing for at least $ 300,000 in damages related to his physical injuries and medical bills.

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