Tfue and Cloakzy win grand finale of Fortnite fall skirmishes


Pro FaZe, Tfue and Cloakzy, won the grand finale of the TwitchCon fall skirmish.

Pate1k and Domentos won the first match conservatively. Pate1k is simply sitting high on a campfire, healing himself. Below Cloakzy, several duos were fighting when the circle was getting closer. Storm decided to kill the last murder of Pate1k when the circle closed completely.

Tfue was eliminated early but Cloakzy made six eliminations by himself to carry his team. The FaZe duo dominated the scoreboard after a match thanks to its second place plus the elimination bonus.

Match Two was another slow affair and 60 players were still alive in a tiny end-of-game circle. But the congestion and damage caused by the storm finally helped to move things forward.

This time, it was Pate1k's partner, Domentos, who took Victory Royale by eliminating a shotgun to win two consecutive victories.

After two games, Domentos and Pate1k were tied for first place with Cloakzy and Tfue, demonstrating the value of elimination versus placement.

Tfue and Cloakzy won their first Victory Royale in Match 3.

Tfue and Cloakzy took a comfortable lead after three games with 17 eliminations.

Match 4 was a tough job as most players focused on investing at the expense of eliminations. The final battles have barely been marked by the game of weapons, the Storm being the most effective for inflicting damage.

The Chap and 72 Hours liquid pro duo was one of the few teams to come to life from bottom to top 10 after a four-point match.

The NICKMERCS and Ghost Aydan controllers invited the crowd to get up in Match 5, showing an early aggression seldom seen. They have collected nine eliminations despite the top 20.

The storm resumed the last shot in Game 5. The hero Ronin and JDW won after surviving a player who lit a campfire some distance from the circle.

Tfue and Cloakzy qualified for match 6, still leading the overall standings, thanks to the underperforming teams who won the fourth and fifth matches. The rest of the squad needed to recover the eliminations early and often to fill the gap.

The added pressure made the match more exciting as eliminations and battles unfolded more often. Zexrow and vinny1x had a monster performance, leading the Royal Victory with 8 eliminations for a 7-point game.

But it was not enough to defeat Tfue and Cloakzy, whose performance in the first three matches was too difficult to beat. Cloakzy was the tournament player, finishing himself with 22 eliminations.

The final ranking of the fortnite fall skirmish is presented below.

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