The 7 video games I am very grateful for this thanksgiving

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Here are all the video games that I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving.Credit: Software

Thanksgiving has finally arrived and everyone is ready to sit down with their family and stuff their faces with turkey, mashed potatoes and various baked goods.

I suppose many of them are also sitting down to watch a football game, watch movies or play video games. It made me think of video games for which I am most grateful. These are not necessarily the best video games ever created, but those that have had a big impact on my life.

I started playing when I was young, although I do not remember the first time I played a video game. I remember that many of my friends, when I was in 4th grade (about 9 years old), had Nintendo consoles. At first, I did not even know what the kids were talking about when they said Nintendo. Then I tried one and I was instantly hooked.

# 1 – Super Mario Bros. (1983)

super Mario BrosCredit: Nintendo

My parents were adamant: I did not get Nintendo, no matter how much I wanted one. Video games were not good for you. The children should play outside.

So it was a big surprise – I was moved to tears of joy – when I opened my birthday present to find a NES filled with Duck hunting firearm and a copy of Super Mario Bros.

Far from my favorite NES game, it was still the first video game I had and probably remains the best birthday present of my childhood. I recently went to the family cabin and found there the old NES system of my aunt (it's hers that inspired me to want so hard my way back then. ) What a pleasure to play this game for the first time in such a long time.

# 2 – Might & Magic II: Gates of Another World (1988)

Might & Magic IICredit: New World Computing

When I was a kid, my parents had an Apple computer. We had the old black and white with the little screen. It was at this point that I learned how few games were on Apple compared to a PC.

But there were some good ones, and the one I liked most was Might & Magic II. This game had a profound impact on me as a player because it was basically my introduction to role playing games. I had already played a lot, learning all his crazy secrets, even before being introduced to Dungeons & Dragons (A table game that has had as much impact in my life as any of these digital games.)

Might & Magic II was a fun and original game with turn-based battles, dungeon exploration, time travel, extremely challenging puzzles and tons of magic squares to explore in what was probably the first open-world game I've ever played. Have never played. I have never liked the rest of the games in this series so much.

# 3 – CONDEMN (1993)

DOOM (Original)Credit: Id Software

CONDEMN It was my first first-person shooter and the first time I saw anyone playing an online video game. At the time, I did not even know what "online" meant. My uncle has somehow networked with one of his friends and when I saw this other player show up in the game, I was blown away.

I ended up playing tons of LAN games on the go, with games like Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2, but CONDEMN will always be my first shooter and remains one of the greatest shooters of all time. Secret doors, terrifying demons, awesome weapons. I had never played anything like it.

# 4 – Half Life 2 (2004)

Half Life 2Credit: Valve

For years, I broke down PC games, playing on various consoles over the years. When I finally came back, it was because of Half Life 2. Man this game looked amazing. I bought it, I rushed home and I installed it on my old Dell computer. I was shocked and dismayed when the damn thing did not want to play anymore. Well, that would play, but only maybe at 2 frames per second.

So, I discovered the many wonders of PC building and personalization. I've built my very first gaming platform for Half Life 2, and play this game (and some others at the time as Elder Scrolls: Forgetting) changed the way I think about video games. I became quite obsessed with graphics, so much better than anything I had ever played or offered by console manufacturers.

Things have changed a lot since then. Everything is beautiful now, even on PlayStation and Xbox. But at the time, it was revolutionary.

# 5 – Dark souls (2011)

Dark soulsCredit: Software

Dark souls is probably my favorite game of all time. I hate choosing my favorites, but the dark action-RPG game from From Software dazzled me when I first played it. It was so hardcore, so stimulating, so evocative and atmospheric. More than anything, it changed the way I think about games. The way the world was built was unlike any other game. Not just an open world, but a set of secret passages, connected above and below in a way that seemed more real and more impressive than any other game.

I still think about the first time I stared at the bridge with the Red Wyvern from below in the Darkroot Basin and realized that my God, this game is a masterpiece. That, combined with an action fight that looked nothing like what I had played before – I played Souls of demon Secondly, the immersive world of the game, with its opaque and bizarre story, made me fall in love with this game like no other game before.

# 6 – Mass effect 3 (2012)

Mass effect 3Credit: BioWare

I like it Mass Effect a lot of series, and I think Mass effect 3 It was pretty good, except for the dull end, but that's really what the game did for me as a writer who makes me grateful. The game and the controversy that surrounds it helped me to break into writing games. This has fundamentally changed the course of my career, and I will always be grateful to both the game and all those who started reading me at that time and who have remained since then.

Thank you all. I'm really grateful to you.

# 7 – Fortnite: Battle Royale (2017)

FortniteCredit: Epic

It may seem strange to this list, especially since it is so new. Fortnite It's certainly another game that has been very good for my game writing career, but that's not why I'm so grateful for that.

The fact is that I often play this game with my children. More than any other game. It's one of the few games I play with my daughter (my son is much more of a console player, while my daughter loves mobile games and Roblox.) We are So we are all set to play and have a good time. And for that, I am more grateful than I can express. Nothing is more wonderful than playing games with your kids.

That's all people! Which games are you most grateful for? Let me know about Twitter or Facebook!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Here are all the video games that I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving.Credit: Software

Thanksgiving has finally arrived and everyone is ready to sit down with their family and stuff their faces with turkey, mashed potatoes and various baked goods.

I suppose many of them are also sitting down to watch a football game, watch movies or play video games. It made me think of video games for which I am most grateful. These are not necessarily the best video games ever created, but those that have had a big impact on my life.

I started playing when I was young, although I do not remember the first time I played a video game. I remember that many of my friends, when I was in 4th grade (about 9 years old), had Nintendo consoles. At first, I did not even know what the kids were talking about when they said Nintendo. Then I tried one and I was instantly hooked.

# 1 – Super Mario Bros. (1983)

super Mario BrosCredit: Nintendo

My parents were adamant: I did not get Nintendo, no matter how much I wanted one. Video games were not good for you. The children should play outside.

So it was a big surprise – I was moved to tears of joy – when I opened my birthday present to find a NES filled with Duck hunting firearm and a copy of Super Mario Bros.

Far from my favorite NES game, it was still the first video game I had and probably remains the best birthday present of my childhood. I recently went to the family cabin and found there the old NES system of my aunt (it's hers that inspired me to want so hard my way back then. ) What a pleasure to play this game for the first time in such a long time.

# 2 – Might & Magic II: Gates of Another World (1988)

Might & Magic IICredit: New World Computing

When I was a kid, my parents had an Apple computer. We had the old black and white with the little screen. It was at this point that I learned how few games were on Apple compared to a PC.

But there were some good ones, and the one I liked most was Might & Magic II. This game had a profound impact on me as a player because it was basically my introduction to role playing games. I had already played a lot, learning all his crazy secrets, even before being introduced to Dungeons & Dragons (A table game that has had as much impact in my life as any of these digital games.)

Might & Magic II was a fun and original game with turn-based battles, dungeon exploration, time travel, extremely challenging puzzles and tons of magic squares to explore in what was probably the first open-world game I've ever played. Have never played. I have never liked the rest of the games in this series so much.

# 3 – CONDEMN (1993)

DOOM (Original)Credit: Id Software

CONDEMN It was my first first-person shooter and the first time I saw anyone playing an online video game. At the time, I did not even know what "online" meant. My uncle has somehow networked with one of his friends and when I saw this other player show up in the game, I was blown away.

I ended up playing tons of LAN games on the go, with games like Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2, but CONDEMN will always be my first shooter and remains one of the greatest shooters of all time. Secret doors, terrifying demons, awesome weapons. I had never played anything like it.

# 4 – Half Life 2 (2004)

For years, I broke down PC games, playing on various consoles over the years. When I finally came back, it was because of Half Life 2. Man this game looked amazing. I bought it, I rushed home and I installed it on my old Dell computer. I was shocked and dismayed when the damn thing did not want to play anymore. Well, that would play, but only maybe at 2 frames per second.

So, I discovered the many wonders of PC building and personalization. I've built my very first gaming platform for Half Life 2, and play this game (and some others at the time as Elder Scrolls: Forgetting) changed the way I think about video games. I became quite obsessed with graphics, so much better than anything I had ever played or offered by console manufacturers.

Things have changed a lot since then. Everything is beautiful now, even on PlayStation and Xbox. But at the time, it was revolutionary.

# 5 – Dark souls (2011)

Dark soulsCredit: Software

Dark souls is probably my favorite game of all time. I hate choosing my favorites, but the dark action-RPG game from From Software dazzled me when I first played it. It was so hardcore, so stimulating, so evocative and atmospheric. More than anything, it changed the way I think about games. The way the world was built was unlike any other game. Not just an open world, but a set of secret passages, connected above and below in a way that seemed more real and more impressive than any other game.

I still think about the first time I stared at the bridge with the Red Wyvern from below in the Darkroot Basin and realized that my God, this game is a masterpiece. That, combined with an action fight that looked nothing like what I had played before – I played Souls of demon Secondly, the immersive world of the game, with its opaque and bizarre story, made me fall in love with this game like no other game before.

# 6 – Mass effect 3 (2012)

Mass effect 3Credit: BioWare

I like it Mass Effect a lot of series, and I think Mass effect 3 It was pretty good, except for the dull end, but that's really what the game did for me as a writer who makes me grateful. The game and its controversy have helped me break into the writing of games that has fundamentally changed the course of my career, and I will always be grateful to both the game and to everyone who has started to me. read at that time and who remain since then.

Thank you all. I'm really grateful to you.

# 7 – Fortnite: Battle Royale (2017)

It may seem strange to this list, especially since it is so new. Fortnite It's certainly another game that has been very good for my game writing career, but that's not why I'm so grateful for that.

The fact is that I often play this game with my children. More than any other game. It's one of the few games I play with my daughter (my son is much more of a console player, while my daughter loves mobile games and Roblox.) We are So we are all set to play and have a good time. And for that, I am more grateful than I can express. Nothing is more wonderful than playing games with your kids.

That's all people! Which games are you most grateful for? Let me know about Twitter or Facebook!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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