The AirPods are out of stock in Europe, speculation about the launch of AirPods 2 is built – BGR


Apple's AirPods have an interesting existence. Originally scheduled for launch in October 2016, Apple's wireless headphones have finally made their debut just two weeks before the end of 2016. Even after the launch, the AirPod offer was ridiculously tight, some interested buyers having to wait up to two months before seeing their orders executed.

Since then, Apple has slowly but surely managed to better meet the demand for AirPods. That said, the AirPods are oddly out of stock in several European countries, including France, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Norway, Poland and many others. , according to a report by Watchgeneration.Fr. Naturally, the rarity of AirPods has led some to think that a launch of AirPods 2 could arrive sooner than expected.

At this point, Generation of watches adds that they recently spoke to an Apple store in France and learned that since the depletion of their previous AirPods stock, they have noticed the presence of a "new reference" in their database replenishment, which may well indicate a refresh AirPod right around the corner.

Of course, the idea that Apple will release new generation AirPods is certainly not new. Earlier in the year, a Barclays investor note announced that Apple was planning to launch new generation AirPods with noise canceling features and the "Hey Siri" feature. in the course of 2019. There have also been rumors that Apple would introduce an AirPod hull redesigns its new generation of AirPods.

As a reminder, Apple should organize a special multimedia event this month during which it will present the new iPad Pro models. In light of this, it is quite plausible that Apple will take some time to introduce a new iteration of its wireless headphones.

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