The Alexa app from Amazon for iOS finally gets voice control – TechCrunch


At the beginning of the year (apparently 24 or 25 months, at this point), Amazon has provided voice control to its Alexa app for Android. The move marked a big step towards the thrust of the business on third-party mobile devices. At the time, he added that it would bring similar features to the iPhone "soon" – a promise he offers today.

Users who have downloaded the smart wizard on iOS will be able to request the help of the application as early as today. It is not cooked in native, of course (turns our Apple has a smart assistant of his own, he is very fond of), so the interaction requires a push of the button.

From there, however, you can ask Alexa questions, listen to music, access skills and control smart devices – you know, the standard Alexa rate. Queries such as weather, sports, calendar and movies will also provide a visual component in the application. The update will be available to users in the "coming days" as a free download.

Amazon has, of course, been somewhat at a disadvantage in the intelligent assistant's race. Of the big three, Alexa is the only one without a major mobile footprint. The company has made some small progress through partnerships with Android hardware developers like Motorola and Huawei, but Google and Apple have a clear interest in developing their own ecosystem of smart wizards.

Unless the company re-embarks on the mobile phone market, using its application on as many iOS and Android devices is the best way to extend its mobile footprint. With the addition of voice, Alexa on mobile suddenly becomes more than just a simple app for configuring Echo devices.

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