The announcement of Grand Theft Auto 6 is a good hoax, but still a hoax


I will eat my boxer shorts if that is real, but a message in the game in GTA Online has caused the arrival of Grand Theft Auto 6, absent from any other fanfare. The message claims to come from Rockstar and it has been reported by several people on different platforms, along with screenshots. It's a complete nonsense, but a compelling nonsense.

The message, stating simply that GTA 6 is due out next year, has made its appearance over the weekend, and although it is almost certainly wrong, it seems official. This is not, of course, but you can see how this could send fans into a bubbling frenzy of speculation and hopes.

Marketing stunts and stealth ads like this are not unknown, so Rockstar would announce GTA 6 in this unconventional way is not quite incredible. All the rest is, however. The proximity of the launch of Red Dead Redemption 2, a link that does not support the announcement and the absence of any other evidence all suggest bullshit.

GamesRadar also points out that only modded platforms contain the message, and it does not appear for everyone even on these platforms. Samuel jumped today and did not understand the message, and others reported the same thing. So, apparently, this massive ad only appears for a small number and on some platforms? Sure.

So, do not hope.

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