The anthem of BioWare does not influence the age of the dragon or the mass effect, says Dev


BioWare's latest project, Anthem, represents a radical departure for the studio, exchanging many of the elements that made its previous versions so popular for a multiplayer action game, always online. The title is also crucial for the developer, especially given the disappointing reception of his latest game, Mass Effect Andromeda. With many hymns, some have begun to worry that future episodes of the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series will also be influenced, but these fears are unfounded, says Casey Hudson, CEO of BioWare.

Hudson responded to concerns about Twitter. "Some weird stuff is going on about how our future games will be influenced by Anthem," he wrote. "Of course, when we make a Dragon Age game, it will be designed from scratch based on what should be Dragon Age … Same with Mass Effect …"

In a follow-up tweet, Hudson is sure to point out that Anthem stands out from other BioWare franchises and that the only influence it will have on other titles developed by the studio is strictly related to what it learns in terms of game design. "Anthem is a specific thing that is unique compared to our other IPs," he wrote. "What's moving forward is what we're learning about game design, which is a constant evolution."

The new Mass Effect and Dragon Age projects have not been announced yet, but BioWare claimed that there were secret things in the developments.

Anthem launches players in the role of freelancers – soldiers equipped with high-tech exosuits called Javelin. The game has limited dialogue choices and no romantic options compared to previous BioWare role plays, but despite its focus on online multiplayer, players will be able to continue playing solo. My story. "The developer has shed more light on how it works in a recent trailer.

Anthem launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 22, 2019. Some fans will have the opportunity to try the game before its release. EA Publisher has recently announced that it will be offering a Hymn VIP demo to EA / Origin Access subscribers on Xbox One and PC on February 1st. The demo will also be available for those who pre-order the title on any platform. for PS4 players too.

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