The Assassin Update Update Creed Odyssey 1.0.3 modifies usability, fixes groundbreaking bugs


Assassin's Creed Odyssey has received an update aimed at removing some bugs and publishing minor (but unspecified) quality of life features. Update 1.0.3 is now available and release notes are relatively vague. Among its features are "improved quality of life and usability" and "various" break-up "issues that could arise under certain conditions." He also says that it improves performance and stability.

The patch notes end with a note promising more information. "Stay tuned for additional information on the changes included in version 1.0.3," he says. GameSpot has contacted Ubisoft for more details and will update if more information is available.

Ubisoft is probably pleased with the success of Odyssey so far. Although he does not provide specific sales data, he announced that he had the best launch week for all franchise games on the current generation of consoles. This includes Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013), as well as all follow-ups, including Assassin's Creed Unity (2014), Assassin's Creed Syndicate (2015) and Assassin's Creed Origins (2017). This figure includes revenue from microtransactions, which could mean that other games are selling to the unit, but Odyssey has generated more money.

Odyssey has also attracted the attention of an emerging market because Google uses it as a test for its Stream Project technology. Players selected for limited testing can play unlimited online through their Chrome browser until January of next year. They receive $ 10 in game currency to buy microtransactions. In return, the players lose all progress after the end date.

If you're just getting started with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, check out our introductory guide and our tips for beginners. If you still have a few Greek hours to your credit, you may be ready to battle mythological beasts or get legendary armor sets.

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