The Assassins Creed Odyssey patch adjusts the required level of the quest


  • The level required for some quests in Chapter 7 has been adjusted to improve the progress flow of the main path.

  • Re-crafted "Call to Arms" ability – Lieutenants now evolve with player level, healthier, and more damage.

  • Adding a deadly trick to the game when you try to deliver the battle of Megaris Conquest to a level too low.

  • Process quest goal adjusted to match the description of the quest.

  • The Trojan will now appear during the game in the quest "Holy Favors".

  • Fixed an error in the description area of ​​the quest "The problem follows"

  • During the quest "Sacred Vows", players will now receive more information to complete the goal if the cutscene has been skipped.

  • Fixed a problem after the quest "Memories Awoken" that could prevent Phobos from being available.

  • Fixed a problem making the quests targeting the mercenaries had no purpose.

  • Fixed a problem in boss battles with mythical creatures: the game could sometimes be frozen when the creature was about to die.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Minotour of Strength" quest line: wrong names or goals could be displayed.

  • Fixed a problem with the quest "An illness that was growing" that could be prevented from appearing after entering Athens.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Abandoned by the Gods" where the crowd was absent when Kleon spoke in front of the crowd.

  • Fixed a problem with the "On the other side of the border" quest: Women sometimes teleported to the quest giver when they interacted with him again.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Death and Disorder" where Aspasia would die for no reason after the end of the dialogue

  • Solve the following problem: If you are on fire during the "Perikles Symposium" quest, NPCs will try to extinguish the fire.

  • Issue resolved: recruiting Athenian soldiers did not change the quest counter.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The Perikles Symposium": Talking to Sokrates before his dialogue with Thrasymachos could cause Sokrates to refuse to talk to the player later.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "We are treasure hunters": Obelia could sometimes slip into the hull of the ship under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem where Markos was saying that a plague had hit Kephallonia as players chose to kill the family.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented players from facing a major character too early during a party.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented the "The Veil of the Bear" quest from completing if the skins were picked up and sold before speaking to the quest giver.

  • Fixed a problem with Bounty on chef quests that sometimes lacked his quest goal.

  • Fixed various issues for which some procedural quests did not appear.

  • Fixed a rare problem during the quest "He waits" where the player could be raised in the air under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem after a cutscene during the quest "The Battle of 300" that could prevent the activation of Photo mode.

  • Fixed a problem after the quest "A fight with Talos", Talos still being posted as a bounty hunter.

  • Fixed a problem during "Civil unrest" triggering a reward dialog before completing quest tasks.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "A Trial for the Family" where Odessa sometimes attacked the character after all ambushes were killed.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Ashes to Ashes": the use of "Follow the Road" meant that the horse would stop at the entrance of the cave, thus preventing the players to reach Athens.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Port of Lawlessness" where a door was missing during the cinematic with Brasidas.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The Great Break" that could cause a problem with Adrestia when the player refuses to leave Kephallonia.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The Gates of Atlantis": The quest objectives filled were still displayed in the quest log.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Where all started" where the player takes damage from his opponent's Abyss-Earth ability before the ability effect is displayed.

  • Fixed an issue where a torch flame could be visible in cinematics without wanting to.

  • Solve the following problem: The quest "On the Footsteps of the Gods" appears everywhere on the map as a nearby quest.

  • Issue resolved: The "Positive Change" impact quest could be available during the "Knights" quest even if conditions are not met.

  • Solved the following problem: The quest "The Priest of Asklepios" does not update once you have located and accepted the three support quests.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented the game from activating the "With Maintaining" quest when the player denies spending the night with Alkibiade.

  • Fixed a problem of overlapping audio in the quest "Test of Courage".

  • Fixed a problem with the quest objective of the quest "Sharks and Spartans".

  • Fixed some issues with dialog lines during modern day sequences that were disabled.

  • Fixed various issues where objects could block players' view during cutscenes.

  • Fixed a problem that allowed some quest chains to be unlocked at the beginning of the progress.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Learn the Ropes" where Barnabas's dialogue could not be triggered under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Abandoned by the Gods", where the quests are not visible after a quick trip to the statue of Athena from outside Athens.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Perikles's Symposium" quest, where players sometimes could not interact with Sokrates, which made the quest impossible to complete.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Reaching Athens" that could cause the player to fall through the card under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Impiety Spartan" where the shrine could not be destroyed.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "To help a girl": the player could stay locked in the room with Bardas under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "We are going to get up": the screen could remain unclear under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem during the campaign "We are treasure hunters" that could prevent the update of the quest's objective after the looting of the Minoan treasure.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented queries from being canceled at the death of a quest giver.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The final push" that could prevent the start of the conquest battle.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "And Red Streets" that caused Phoibe to lack blood effects when it was not clear.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Bully the Bullies" which could cause the disappearance of characters for a short time during the cutscene.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Death and Disorder" that could cause lighting problems during the dialogue.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Debt Collector" quest that could cause Duris to stay in the vanquished state.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Heart of Stone": the witch's hands could sometimes slip into his clothes.

  • Fixed an issue during the "Snake in the Grass" quest where Elpenor sometimes opened his eyes when he was already dead.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "Snake in the Grass": the character could sometimes be backing towards the end of the dialogue.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The Competitor", where the second fighter could sometimes appear late.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "The doctor will see you now": the patient's head could slide across the bed.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "While Love" where Mikkos's hands were crossing his body.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "We are going to get up": Kleon's body sometimes began to shake.

  • Fixed a problem where the quests tracked would not guide players to the correct NPCs.

  • Fixed a problem with the quest "Talos Fist Stone": Talos' body could disappear under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem during the quest "A god among men" preventing the quest giver from floating over puddles during the dialogue.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Lumbering Along" quest that could make a NPC completely immobile.

  • Problem solved: Iatrokles level does not match player level.

  • Fixed a problem when reloading, where additional mercenaries can be selected for a quest already in progress.

  • Adding an automatic backup before starting the cutscene with Medusa

  • Improved the transition from the loading screen to the conquest battle sequence.

  • Fixed a problem when fighting the Calydonian Wild Boar where the charge attack did not cause any damage.

  • Fixed a problem when fighting the Minotaur boss: the Minotaur health bar remained on the screen until the player recorded and reloaded the content.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented a follower from adopting behavior that was leaking involuntarily.

  • Fixed a rare problem where a NPC guard could get stuck in a supine position after being knocked over.

  • Fixed a problem that could interrupt the intro of the Battle of Conquest when the character was in the water.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented the legendary reward of killing cultists in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed an introductory animation problem during conquest battles that might appear off.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the cancellation of the boarding process when a crew member was boarded.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the player from confirming Master's death.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the purpose of the quest from being updated when an alpha animal was tamed and that it was also an objective quest.

  • Fixed a problem that caused crew shields to appear during the raise immediately after hugging.

  • Issue resolved: No rewards notification was displayed at the end of a weekly contract.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented the alpha wolf from getting out of the game zone and becoming inaccessible to players.

  • Fixed a problem that caused the crew to remain on the Adrestia during the boarding sequences.

  • Issue resolved: The "Burn War Supplies" lens was not updated properly.

  • Fixed a problem during the boarding sequence that could sometimes cause adrestia problems in the other ship.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented the player from confirming the murder of cultist Silver Griffin under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem with the conquest battle at Phokis where the leader would not change when defeating the invading faction.

  • Fixed a problem when fighting in the Nikomedes Arena where players could sometimes observe a glowing shape over his head.

  • Adding a storage vault to the Adrestia allowing players to store up to 350 inventory items.

  • Added quiver upgrades increasing the maximum number of arrows that it can hold.

  • The level required for some quests in Chapter 7 has been adjusted to improve the progress flow of the main path.

  • Fixed the strike zone of Athenian commanders.

  • Crew members can no longer be set on fire and killed at rest with torches.

  • Increase the olive wood earned by boarding and cleaving.

  • The attack with Medusa's stone gaze will now affect players in shock.

  • NPCs will now attack the character while they are on the felucca.

  • Players will now be shown to be able to use torches to destroy crates.

  • Rebalancing of various capacities and improvement of the visual.

  • Rejuvenated "Call to Arms" Skill – Lieutenants now evolve with player level, healthier, and more damage.

  • Camera angles reworked for assassinations.

  • Fixed various issues with Overpower Attacks ability.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented the engraving "-1 cost in adrenaline for adrenaline mastery abilities" upon entry into the arena.

  • Fixed an issue where Myrrine and Brasidas were teleported to Naxos after saving Lagos.

  • Fixed a problem with an incorrect injury reaction to death when performing area skills from the back.

  • Fixed a problem related to "Rushed Assassination" that was not working if it was used immediately after the "In Ares Combat" ability.

  • Fixed an infinite loading screen problem that may occasionally appear when the player dies while fighting the Minotaur.

  • Fixed an issue where NPCs killed by a lieutenant could remain in a standing position.

  • Fixed a problem where the player would die after parrying an attack while he had 0 life points.

  • Fixed a problem whereby a single lieutenant appeared in the form of a corpse when summoned with the ability to "Call to Arms" and then defeated.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented players from progressing on the quest "A Tale That Beats" if Rhexenor is killed before speaking to Aikaterine.

  • Calculation of damage from fixed fire, poison and elemental damage.

  • Fixed an animation problem where Scoura sometimes glided to the ground for a few seconds.

  • Fixed a problem in edge combat that could cause a slow fall animation when the player flipped an NPC over the edge.

  • Fixed a problem in Photo Mode where players could see a placeholder texture when activating at the time of the impact of a Ground Smash.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Battle of Pylos" quest preventing Brasidas from joining a combat pocket and leaving the battlefield if the player had not yet joined the battle.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause an offset animation when finishing the last enemy near a wall.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause a boat crash when loading a backup.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause irregular rotations of mercenaries during a simultaneous brawl with 3 mercenaries.

  • Fixed a problem that allowed the Lieutenant's NPCs to count on completing the quest.

  • Fixed a problem when NPCs were going to fight, they took a moment to decide to remove their sheath and join the fight.

  • Issue resolved: Brontes could not slow down when using Overpower Arrow ability.

  • Fixed a problem where the change of lieutenants just before boarding prevented them from joining.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented Himilko from taking damage after loading a completed quest.

  • Fixed a problem where hunter damage was too low for a lower level.

  • Fixed a problem preventing mercenaries from attacking on a boat.

  • Problem solved: NPC belts could cut into the character.

  • Fixed a problem preventing players from receiving adrenaline while killing the pet dog of a mercenary.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented Ardos from falling into the pit when he was pushing him into a corner of the ledge.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented the PTO from causing damage.

  • Fixed a problem that tamed animals became aggressive after changing the game language.

  • Fixed a problem where the bonus could increase when mercenaries witnessed a crime committed by the player.

  • Issue resolved: The player remained in combat after killing an untamed animal before resuming normal behavior.

  • Fixed a problem that allowed leaders to drop weapons in addition to the usual loot.

  • Fixed a problem with Mercenary pet levels that could sometimes display an incorrect level.

  • Fixed a problem with locking Chameleon ability on an NPC.

  • Fixed a problem with the Vanish capacity that was not working during the climb of ships.

  • Fixed calculation of loaded bullet damage leading to higher than expected numbers.

  • Fixed several game exploits.

  • Fixed various issues with Rass Assassinations.

  • Fixed various issues with Heroic Strike ability.

  • Fixed a problem preventing Rage's ability to work under certain conditions.

  • Fixed an issue where the leap of faith was not triggering and could not be used.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes allowed the player to breed inside Adrestia after the ship was destroyed.

  • Fixed a problem with the "Ring of Chaos" ability that sometimes could not trigger properly but still consume adrenaline.

  • Fixed a problem with the character physics of the player when he is defeated when using the "Warrior Wings" skill.

  • Fixed a problem alternating Rain of Arrows and Predatory Fire while the character was squatting.

  • Solved the following problem: During the quest "Write on Wall", the player and the quest giver would be transported to Agellos if the interactions were completed too quickly.

  • Issue resolved: Eyelashes could sometimes have a placeholder texture after a transition from kinematics to play.

  • Fixed a problem preventing players from suffering fire damage from burning cloth in the arena.

  • Fixed a problem that prompted players to perform accelerated assassination or domination attacks on an NPC behind a wall, even in the event of a failure of the web.

  • Fixed a problem with the ability to "leap of faith" (Lvl 3) that could cause problems when jumping from a lower height.

  • Fixed a problem with the "Multishot" ability that could cause too much damage by using it on a single target.

  • Fixed various problems with distraction ability.

  • Fixed a problem where Clio could be killed by a member of the crew.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the lieutenants or the crew from attacking the enemy crew when the skin of the crew was changed before the start of the process. ;boarding.

  • Resolution of a problem resulting in the appearance of startup effects in Photo mode.

  • Fixed a problem during the "Beloved" quest where the quest giver became scared and ran away if the player clashed with him.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented players from changing their ship after completing a boarding, until they leave.

  • Fixed a problem that could give the impression that the sails of the enemy ship were intact when it was off – after a quick drive to Adrestia.

  • Fixed a problem whereby the number of victims with a dagger was considered a challenge related to the loss of a personal benefit.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented players from climbing on an enemy ship.

  • The following benefits could not pile up with themselves: critical good health, critical low health, critical damage, accumulation of elements

  • Correction of the following benefits not working on the intended objectives: Damage against Athenians, Damage against Spartans

  • Added an icon at the speed of the player to indicate that it was etched.

  • Adding a celebration to the game when the players have solved an Ostraka.

  • Added that the map legend now appears in full screen.

  • Added notifications to prints that can not be stacked.

  • Adjust the image of the Hunter's waist size armor inventory to better reflect his appearance in the game.

  • Adjusted the placement of the Cultist level indicator so that it does not overlap with other elements of the user interface.

  • Adjust the image of the store Black Unicorn to better reflect its appearance in the game.

  • Change the font color of the location of "Stymphalos Armored Bird" in gold for the purposes of "The Prince of Persia Quest".

  • Fixed some issues with the Season Pass vignette in the Featured tab of the in-game store.

  • Fixed Shadow Offset on Map for 'Hephaestus Foundry'

  • Improved speed of sale of items at the blacksmith

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the temporary activation of the Drachmae booster and temporary XP.

  • Issue resolved: Several points of interest could be displayed as incomplete, even if they were already completed.

  • Fixed a problem where the goal markers of interest did not sometimes disappear from the map after being looted.

  • Issue resolved: An incorrect amount of orichalcum is displayed on the screen.

  • Issue resolved: The XP bar was empty when level 50 was reached.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause problems displaying on the map or with menu backgrounds

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the trophy / achievement "Kissing Aphrodite" from unlocking.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent players from disposing of the Cultists crew skin after defeating Hydra.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented the cursor from being in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a problem with the point of interaction of the Forge where players could see 2 points of interaction instead of one.

  • Fixed an error in the description area of ​​the quest "Family Ties".

  • Fixed a problem in the last words of Alexios that could prevent the display of Greek word subtitles.

  • Fixed a problem that allowed players to exchange lieutenants during a naval fight.

  • Issue resolved: "Arena not available" notification could sometimes remain on the screen.

  • Fixed a problem where two mercenaries would have the same name and description.

  • Fixed a problem with the HUD that prevented the selection of the correct mosaic when you fly over from the right.

  • Fixed various camera problems.

  • Fixed a problem that could block the display of special destruction on the screen after reaching the maximum level.

  • Issue resolved: No bad pictures or none would be displayed as a quest picture in the quest menu.

  • Issue resolved: Capabilities could be displayed as ready to use by mistake.

  • Fixed several disparities between spoken lines and subtitles.

  • Fixed various problems with UI / HUD display.

  • Fixed a problem in the description of the localization tooltip in Polish.

  • Fixed a problem whereby lieutenants and killed animals would not be taken into account in some game challenges.

  • Fixed a problem that caused Mysterious Fragments to change location in the inventory when dismantling armor or weapon equipment.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent the display of the amount of orichalk looted.

  • Fixed various translation issues in Russian localization of map elements and key menu.

  • Improved behavior of AI in the animal.

  • The mercenaries will not seem too concentrated in the cities.

  • Elementary mercenaries will use their reinforced weapon less often.

  • Phobos will no longer be stuck in some areas of Chios.

  • Rearrange various items in the game that floated in the air or looked badly placed.

  • Deletion of a leader in Corinth because it is supposed to be only 1 and not 2.

  • The level of the leader of Macedonia is now synchronized with that of the region.

  • The Cultist vessel with Sokos aboard will no longer be present after being defeated.

  • Problem solved: Kassandra hummed like a male voice.

  • Fixed a problem due to which Zoisme and Kallias appeared in Gaia Cave and could no longer be reached.

  • Fixed a problem in a Corinthian fort where the player could go under the stairs.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented lions from spawning involuntarily alongside wolves in the dens

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented crew members from crossing the ship's floor.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the contract counter from updating when drowning targets.

  • Fixed a problem due to which curtains on the Adrestia sometimes seemed to come off the ship.

  • Fixed a problem that prevented a mercenary from getting stuck in a closed house in Fort Samikon.

  • Fixed a problem where the recruitment of Boetia's leader did not reveal Denienara's information.

  • Fixed a texture problem in the forge where the golden pattern of the circle could sometimes disappear.

  • Fixed a problem in Elis where there was neither buyer nor seller, but many people walking near the market.

  • Fixed a problem in Epidaurus where the crowd station seemed empty.

  • Fixed a problem that could prevent players from fondling leopards.

  • Fixed a problem to prevent defeated Lieutenants from getting off with their ships instead of returning to Adrestia.

  • Fixed a problem due to which a floating torch near the point of interest of the Temple of Eileithyia engulfed became the ultimate destroyer of the feluccas.

  • Fixed a problem that could result in a double of the cult leader when a faction regained control instead of regaining the power of the original sector.

  • Fixed a problem that allowed NPCs to reappear after being recruited by the player.

  • Fixed an issue where pets did not follow the player after he left the fight.

  • Fixed a problem due to which Predator Animals was chasing the player too long.

  • Fixed a problem preventing Ptolemaeus and Talos from being recruited after becoming mercenaries.

  • Fixed a problem where the trader's location in Akrokorinth seemed empty

  • Fixed a problem preventing the surface shark from attacking players.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes allowed wolves thought to be in caves to appear on the outside after birth.

  • Corrected in a problem in Melos where the cultist vessel was no longer responding after exiting the conflict zone.

  • Problems solved with mercenaries who did not fight in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed various problems with photo mode that might block the camera or cross objects.

  • Correction d'un problème qui empêchait les joueurs de rester coincés à l'intérieur d'un navire lorsque de grosses vagues apparaissent.

  • Correction d'un problème qui empêchait parfois les mercenaires de se faire piller quand ils se mettaient à niveau tout en étant inconscients.

  • Correction d'un problème au cours de la quête «Collecteur de dette» qui pouvait amener les PNJ à déclencher une réaction involontaire lorsque le joueur sifflait pendant le didacticiel de l'assassinat.

  • Correction d'un problème où une prime est générée lors de la mort de bandits en Korithia avant que le Monger soit éliminé.

  • Correction d'un problème en raison duquel les animaux de compagnie mercenaires loups et ours ne pouvaient pas être marqués avec Ikaros.

  • Correction d'un problème avec l'arrière-plan en dehors du loft de Layla.

  • Correction d'un problème faisant que les animaux Alpha fuyaient le combat après avoir exécuté ‘Leap of Faith’ dans sa grotte.

  • Correction d'un problème qui pouvait interagir avec les PNJ dans l'océan

  • Correction d'un problème où l'ours alpha courait en place et ne pouvait pas attaquer.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les navires des PNJ qui pouvaient parfois arrêter de bouger soudainement.

  • Correction de plusieurs cas où les joueurs pouvaient rester coincés à l'intérieur d'objets.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les corps de requin qui pourraient commencer à se contracter sur le sol.

  • Correction de plusieurs problèmes avec les minerais d’orichalque qui étaient soit égarés, soit impossibles à piller.

  • Correction de divers textes affichés.

  • Correction de diverses anomalies graphiques.

  • Les bombes à lancer apparaîtront désormais dans les mains du PNJ lorsqu’elles seront lancées.

  • Correction d'un problème d'éclairage lors de la pause du jeu lors d'une bataille de conquête.

  • Correction d'un visuel inapproprié lors de l'utilisation simultanée de flèches explosives et d'un coup dévastateur au niveau 3.

  • Correction d'un problème faisant que le terrain apparaissait parfois en basse résolution.

  • Correction d'un problème qui pouvait faire disparaître les ombres après avoir quitté le tombeau d'alcathous dans Megaris.

  • Correction d'un problème qui permettait à un vaisseau Light Trireme d'avoir un skin d'espace réservé au lieu de son skin actuel.

  • Correction d'un problème avec le séchage des peaux d'animaux dans le monde qui n'avaient pas de textures sur un côté.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les navires prêts à embarquer où le mât ne se briserait pas immédiatement.

  • Résolution de divers problèmes dans lesquels l'armure pouvait apparaître étirée ou coupée à travers d'autres objets.

  • Correction d'un problème qui empêchait parfois les bras d'Hérodotos de se glisser dans sa robe.

  • Correction d'un problème avec certains effets FX qui pouvaient parfois s'afficher de manière incorrecte ou étaient totalement absents.

  • Correction d'un problème avec la flamme de la torche qui pouvait parfois ne pas être affiché.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les effets Water Splash devant le bateau.

  • Correction d'un problème en raison duquel Adrestia apparaissait au-dessus de l'eau avec des textures à chargement lent après le changement des hommes.

  • Correction d'un problème entraînant la disparition d'objets de structure dans Akrokorinth.

  • Correction d'un problème lors de la quête "Serpent dans l'herbe", ce qui faisait que le leurre d'Elpenor se téléportait hors de la trajectoire de Predator Shot.

  • Problème résolu: un arbre sur le champ de bataille de Messenia était en feu en permanence.

  • Problème résolu: les soldats ennemis restaient bloqués dans des animations d'attaque si le joueur avait un faible HP, suspendu à Adrestia.

  • Résolution du problème suivant: les flèches explosives et explosives ne seraient pas allumées en feu après avoir annulé une capacité d'arc.

  • Problème résolu: certains post-effets étaient perdus en entrant en mode Photo.

  • Correction d'un problème qui entraînait un emplacement incorrect pour la gravure légendaire «+ 15% de dégâts de poison et d'accumulation»

  • Correction d'un problème d'animations accroupies défectueuses dans certaines circonstances.

  • Correction d'un problème montrant les points faibles lors de l'embarquement des navires mercenaires.

  • Problèmes d'affichage résolus avec certains sommets

  • Correction de plusieurs problèmes avec les boîtes récupérables.

  • Correction de divers problèmes liés à l'éclairage mondial.

  • Correction de divers problèmes avec la peau Pegasos pour Phobos.

  • Résolution de divers problèmes de texture pouvant apparaître en basse résolution dans certaines circonstances.

  • Correction de divers problèmes de texture avec les navires clivés.

  • Correction d'un problème graphique pouvant apparaître à un endroit spécifique de Phokis dans certaines circonstances.

  • Correction d'un problème qui entraînait des modifications de la couleur ambiante et de la lumière causées par les capacités qui demeuraient actives lors de l'entrée en mode Photo.

  • Correction d'un problème qui rendait le monde flou après avoir affronté Nikolaos.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les yeux de Phoibe.

  • Correction de la texture vacillante du mildiou dans le labyrinthe du Minotaure.

  • Correction de divers problèmes cinématiques.

  • Correction d'un problème causant la corruption de la foudre pendant un orage en mode Photo.

  • Correction d'un problème qui empêchait la ceinture spartiate et la ceinture spartiate de figurer sur le personnage du joueur.

  • Correction d'un problème qui faisait que le corps de Cyclope continuait à flotter après avoir utilisé «Sparta Kick» pour l'achever.

  • Problème résolu: le jeu était brièvement visible lors des transitions cinématiques.

  • Résolution du problème suivant: le portrait de Stentor s’affiche différemment lorsqu’il est recruté en tant que mercenaire.

  • Correction d'un problème avec les casques de mercenaires pouvant parfois apparaître avec une faible résolution.

  • Correction d'un problème avec le changement visuel de l'animal de compagnie du PNJ.

  • Échangé la bande son de «Leonidas Fallen» avec une version améliorée.

  • Correction de la synchronisation audio lors de «Leonidas Betrayed».

  • Correction de plusieurs inadéquations de dialogue et de sous-titres.

  • Correction des problèmes de voix off lors du combat avec Kurush au début du jeu

  • Correction d'un son qui pouvait retarder la musique de combat lors des combats de boss des créatures mythiques.

  • Correction d'un problème lors de la quête «Sparring with Roxana» »avec un dialogue en écho.

  • Correction de divers problèmes audio.

  • Avant de supprimer toutes les sauvegardes, les joueurs seront désormais mis en garde contre toute perte de progression.

  • Amélioration des temps de chargement de l'application de jeu

  • Les joueurs ne seront plus élastiques lorsqu'ils seront tués par ‘Sismic Jump’.

  • Correction d'un problème qui ralentissait extrêmement le temps de chargement entre le flashback et le dialogue.

  • Correction d'un problème lors de la quête «A-Musing Tale» faisant que FPS reste inférieur à 25 au cours de la scène cinématique.

  • Correction d'un problème qui pouvait geler le jeu pendant une longue période après la dernière ligne de dialogue de la quête «Coeur de pierre».

  • Correction d'un problème empêchant les sauvegardes automatiques de se déclencher pendant les moments importants.

  • Problème résolu: les comptes des clubs Ubisoft ne sont pas synchronisés au cours de la même session où vous avez créé un compte Ubisoft.

  • Correction d'un problème qui obligeait le joueur à rester en mode javelot lors de la sortie et de la reprise de la commande de navire, en maintenant RT.

  • Problème résolu: le bouton «Retour» ne fonctionnait pas dans le menu de la boutique Oikos du Olympians.

  • Correction d'un problème de création de sauvegardes automatiques lors de la présentation des cultistes.

  • Correction d'un problème lié à la réussite / au trophée «Je suis une légende» qui ne pouvait pas être déverrouillé même si toutes les conditions étaient remplies.

  • Correction d'un problème en raison duquel les joueurs sortaient du monde après avoir rechargé leur dernier enregistrement alors qu'ils jouaient dans la quête «Une rencontre venimeuse».

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