The best and the worst of Fortnite Season 5


Fortnite"S The fifth season is about to end and this is really not the best time for the game. As the content and patches continued to circulate, the game itself seemed to stagnate; we have not seen as many changes in the game as the last two seasons.

While slow down a bit is an inevitable part of a game like FortniteThe success of season 5 was a sharp drop in the time spent by Fortnite. Fortunately, most of the problems this season have not been too difficult to solve. they are only excessive corrections made by updates of past seasons.

Season 6 should begin on September 27 and hopefully will be more exciting than its predecessor. But before we move on, let's look at the best and the worst things Fortnite Season 5


Epic Games

Worse: the meta

Increasing the competitiveness of the SMG was a blow at the end of season 4; at the time, shotguns still dominated everything. But since then, SMGs have gone from a powerful niche weapon – often replacing the players' second shotgun – to the only weapon you needed for every situation. This is largely due to the constant nerves of shotguns, SMG buffs and even nerves to structure health.

With a range and fire rate higher than shotguns, SMGs were more effective at killing buildings and eliminating players, Fortnitespecific competence to weave gunshots with buildings. In other words, Epic has turned Fortnite in just another shooter.

The harbinger of all these questions was finally the drum gun. A rifle at the range and power of an assault rifle and at the speed of a SMG, the revolver barrel dominated absolutely Fortnite for many months. But since patch 5.40, Epic has defeated the drum gun. Although it is still a bit early to say for sure, raising the barrel should bring the rifles and machine guns closer together, eliminating the constant stream of bullets the drum gun could provide. By moving away from the dominance of SMEs, we hope that Epic will help Fortnite back to what made it special in the first place.

Best: The skins

Although the rest of the game may not have been up to date this season, it's undeniable that the Epic team has been successful. With skis from combat passes like Ragnarok and skins of events like Wild Card, Fortnite the skins are better than ever. Even the skins of this season, such as the terrifying skins of Peekaboo and Nite Nite, the Samurai-style skins, or the Slayer-inspired synthetic and theater skins inspired by the 80s, are much more complex and of superior quality.

With the biggest holidays on the way, nothing says how exciting and extravagant things could come to fruition by the end of the year 2018. One thing is for sure, Halloween skins will probably be much better than last year. .

Fortnite - players dive

Epic Games

Worst: the lack of card change

Perhaps the biggest single source of Fortnite The feeling of stagnation in recent weeks is due to the card. In season 4, the map seemed to change constantly. Overall, the number of changes made to season 5 on its first day was much better than the previous season.

The first day of the season, there were instantly three new huge sites. But the slower evolution of Season 4, which has gradually altered some larger areas over time, has made each new patch a mystery to players. While Season 5 had a bit of importance, thanks to the sudden addition of Tomato Temple in the middle of the season, the other patches largely left the map unchanged. The absence of small changes has ensured that the season gives the impression of having spent 10 weeks traveling exactly the same map.

For all the defects of Fortnite Fifth season, none of them is too overwhelming, nor even too difficult to change. Epic has always taken a more experimental approach to balancing and creating new content for Fortniteand although most have had a resounding success, some experiments are doomed to failure. And that's fine, as long as Epic corrects them.

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