The best Fallout 76 offers for PS4, Xbox One and PC


Weekly Release Deals for Fallout Fans

In a few hours, Bethesda Fallout 76 will live around the world. If you are interested in multiplayer mode (but not quite MMO) Fall title, we have gathered all available products Fallout 76 offers from the console to PC versions. There are some interesting things to note on the last Bethesda. First, the PC version will be activated on Bethesda's own platform instead of Steam (as with Elder Scrolls Online), and secondly – the console copies receive better deals of the week of release, which is rather rare at the era of digital transactions. .

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players can purchase a physical copy of Fallout 76 at MassGenie for $ 48.99, an 18% discount. The warning is that you will have to wait for delivery. For PC gamers, the Bethesda key Fallout 76 is available at GMG for $ 52.79, a discount of approximately 12%. Although you receive your key instantly to start the pre-loading, the download size is 45 GB, there is also a "digital delivery" delay to consider (unless you use the fiber in this case, screw yourself).

Fallout 76 offers



Collector's Edition

GameStop finally enriches its offer of the week of publication by including a bonus of $ 10 in reward during the purchase Fallout 76 during the first two weeks of the release. You will also receive "collectible stickers" as an additional bonus to the pre-order. The warning related to the rewards money is that their use is limited in time. Therefore, unless you plan to buy more GameStop items from December 16th to January 9th, this is not a good deal.

As for Best Buy, they offer the usual $ 10 reward certificate suspect, and a beautiful FallSteelBook-themed case as a pre-order bonus. If you are one of those who still have a valid Gamers Club Unlocked account, you can receive 20% off your copy of Fallout 76.

Finally, although it's not really an agreement, we've included Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition, which is back in stock at GameStop. At a modest price of $ 200, it's certainly not a cheap collectible item. But it includes a nice, powerful armor helmet. Since so many titles have premium editions that cost nearly $ 120 with zero physical bonuses, we think the $ 200 price is reasonable for a hardcore. Fall fan.

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