The Blizzcon program reveals the center of interest of the convention and it seems to be diablo


Blizzcon's calendar reveals the center of the convention and it seems to be Diablo -

Blizzard released the Blizzcon program about a month before the annual convention in Anaheim, California. In past years, the "focus" of the event is usually the panel that immediately follows the keynote speech. The introductory remarks take a look at what's happening in all Blizzard games, usually with the biggest announcement made last, followed immediately by the first big panel. This year, the space of this panel is occupied by Diablo.

Diablo has a pair of billboards during the 2 day event:

  • Next Steps 12:30 to 1:15 Pacific Time, Friday, November 2

  • Diablo: World and Q & A – 5:45 pm to 6:30 pm on Saturday November 3rd

The Diablo team has been saying since August that more of them will come into the game world and that "big things" are in the works. We already learned that the new comic, Diablo 3, would arrive at Switch and that we had heard about a Netflix animated series.

What do you think it will be? Leave us your thoughts!

See the complete list of panels and events that will take place throughout the week preceding the November 2nd and 3rd congress by visiting the Blizzcon site.

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