The cards and the arts of Rainbow Six Siege are modified before the release of Asia


Rainbow Six Siege players may soon find some minor and confusing changes in some of their favorite cards. If you're wondering where all the Clubhouse slots have gone or why there's a new team symbol, the answer to both is the same: Siege is coming to Asia.

Ubisoft launches a new development blog about upcoming changes and the reasons for their modification. "We are currently working on the preparation of Rainbow Six Siege for expansion in Asian territories. As such, some adjustments will be made to our maps and icons to ensure compliance. None of these changes will have an impact on the game, "reads the message.

Here are some examples of the changes made.

China has always had a tight and slow game regulation process, which has forced developers and publishers to adjust to gain access to the world's largest gaming market. In 2007, the Chinese publisher of World of Warcraft at the time The9 removed skeletons of the game entirely. Last August, Tencent, Asia's largest gaming conglomerate, had difficulty Fortnite approval process due to apparent freezing of Chinese regulations on all games.

The regulations specific to China that developers must respect are rather non-specific and subject to interpretation. Here is a practical breakdown provided by TechInAsia. The Chinese Ministry of Culture prohibits:

  • Game-related content or game features
  • All that violates the constitution of China
  • Anything that threatens the national unity, sovereignty or territorial integrity of China.
  • Anything that harms the nation's reputation, security or interests.
  • Anything that incites racial / ethnic hatred or harms ethnic traditions and cultures.
  • Anything that violates China's religion policy by promoting cults or superstitions.
  • Anything that promotes or incites obscenity, drug use, violence or gambling.
  • Anything that harms public ethics or Chinese culture and traditions.
  • Anything that insults, slanders or violates the rights of others.
  • Other content that violates the law

As TechInAsia explains, the fuzziness of these guidelines can make developers reluctant to take risks when they will submit their game for approval. In the case of WoW, the complete removal of the skeletons may not have been necessary. But it might also have been helpful to avoid the inconvenience and to be re-approved.

The same reasoning can be applied directly to Siege and his skull iconography on the club house map and in the killfeed interface. Does the use of a skull to communicate kill someone that promotes superstition? Is a skull wearing a balaclava and wearing hair covering it? Ubi may be asking the same questions, but would rather avoid the problem than discover it.

Although the article does not mention it, I wonder if we should expect changes in some of Siege's cosmetics, including demon masks, skeleton and gore face paints. On the other hand, Ubisoft could simply choose to regionalize cosmetics rather than make them all available in all regions.

In response to the announcement on Reddit, UbiNoty, head of the siege community, said that the game will actually have a regional version of the game for Asia. "In the future, we recognize and understand that, for some elements, it is not possible to have a completely comprehensive construction.So, some things will be split from one construction to the next." Our goal is to maintain as close a parallel as possible between versions, we do not compromise either the fundamental integrity of the gameplay and mechanisms as they currently exist, "the statement said. What will be exactly changed only for Asia has not been specified, but this could be related to the blood content of the game or the cosmetics in play. The aesthetic changes will be global for all versions, but the basic gameplay could be changed for Asian regions.

In most cases, the changes made by Ubi seem quite graceful to evoke the same mood of the card, but I'm curious to see what other minor changes players will find when the changes come online. Ubi did not say when it will happen, but I imagine it will happen at the same time as the third year of season 4, scheduled for early December.

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