The creators of & # 39; Fortnite & # 39; have just bought an anti-cheat company


Epic Games has clearly explained its position in cheating. Last year, she sued two alleged Fortnite cheats – one of whom was 14 years old – for copyright infringement. "Epic does not agree with ongoing cheating or copyright infringement on the part of anyone at any age," the company said at the time. "As stated earlier, we take cheating seriously and we will pursue all available options to ensure that our games are fun, fair and competitive for players." Although the boy's mother tried to have the case dismissed, Epic Games decided to go ahead with the lawsuit in April.

"Building and throwing games today is an incredible challenge, and only half the battle," said Sweeney in a statement. "Kamu tools for live game management help developers successfully build and maintain their games after launch, and at Epic we succeed when developers succeed!" Kamu's Easy Anti-Cheat service is currently used by more than 100 million PC players worldwide and protects more than 80 games.

"Joining the Epic family is not only a child's dream come true, but also a great asset to our mission to help developers create great gaming experiences," said Simon Allaeys, Kamu's CEO. . "Fighting cheating in games was only a beginning.Today, our products also help developers stay competitive by identifying the needs of players as quickly as they appeared. "

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