The creators of God of War share some of the funniest bugs of development


Taking a look behind the curtain to see the process of developing the game is already a rare joy, but it is even more unusual to see some of the erroneous and erroneous moments that had to be eliminated from a job finished. Fortunately, Sony Santa Monica, the makers of the success of the PS4 God of the war, have raised this curtain for us in a new video.

"Creating a video game is difficult," reads the description of the video on YouTube, which presents some bugs of choice in the preliminary game. "Create a stable game that drives hardware capabilities and creates a super-immersive AAA gaming experience without a camera cut, epic-sized, similar to the new one God of the war, is much more difficult. This gigantic task, involving hundreds of people developing and implementing content simultaneously, often having a tendency to break things, has definitely added to the challenge. "

Some of the problems are the kind of things you expect: hovering models, members going to places where they should not, repeating lines. Others, however, such as Atreus 'deforming face and Kratos' endless punches, make this film a hilarious experience. More and more developers should share content like this – this clearly indicates the work and hardships these games entail, and the ease with which they could do very badly.

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