The crossover game 'Diablo III & # 39; currently at work


Now that Sony has finally joined the "dark side" with cross-play, many developers are now rethinking their strategy to bridge gaps between consoles. With the BlizzCon around the corner and some large Diablo Meanwhile, it's the perfect time to talk about the franchise and the current position of the title on the cross-platform fun position.

An anonymous Blizzard representative recently met with Business Insider to discuss the franchise and its upcoming plans for the long-awaited convention. When they were asked about their position in the cross-platform game, they responded that this feature was "a question of when, not if."

With the game that comes on Nintendo Switch – and on which you can read our practical impressions right here – it's the perfect time to open the door to this gameplay. The representative however mentioned that there was nothing official to announce at the moment regarding this capability, but again, the BlizzCon arrived at the beginning of next month, the moment ideal for all these amazing revelations!

In case you missed the big turnaround of Sony, the team announced earlier last month its intention to make cross-play with its platform a reality, starting with Fortnite. In their most recent blog post, they said: "The first step will be an open beta starting today for Fortnite, which will allow cross-platform game play, progression and trading on PlayStation 4, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and We believe that the beta is an opportunity to conduct extensive testing to ensure the optimal quality of cross-platform game on PlayStation, while taking into account the user experience points from a technical and social point of view. "

We can not wait to see what Sony's new door means for the rest of the game, but Diablo III It would be an incredible start especially with the upcoming arrival of the Nintendo Switch port!

What other games would you like to become compatible with the game on multiple platforms? Grab your dreams in the comments section below and tell us what you think!

Want to know more about Diablo III Eternal Collection for Nintendo Switch? Here's what Blizzard had to say about the latest arrival "Diablo III Nintendo Switch takes full advantage of the flexibility and versatility of the console with many intuitive and ultra-responsive controller configuration options. Whether you prefer to use the dual-purpose Joy-Cons, sit side-by-side on the couch with your friends using a single Joy-Con, or enter the fray with a Pro Controller, you'll be able to find your way. Up to four players can embark on large cooperative crusades to clean up Sanctuary, side by side in front of a single Nintendo Switch screen or to connect multiple wireless consoles. "

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