The developer's Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; discusses the need not to empower women in their games



Guaranteed or not, over the years, Rockstar Games has received criticism on how it represents women in its games and the fact that its games are never used to empower them.

People who hold this criticism often point to the lack of female protagonists in Rockstar games and the prostitution system in Europe. Grand Theft Auto. At the same time, to counter this claim, many have pointed out the many strong and well-known women personalities that the developer has created over the years, such as Bonnie MacFarlane's Red Dead Redemption.

However, despite the criticism of some circles and parts of the Internet, it does not seem that Rockstar Games is changing its approach as far as Red Dead Redemption 2. Speaking to Vulture, the co-founder of the company, Dan Houser, talked about female characters in the next Red Dead Redemption 2as well as the criticisms she received about the representation of women in her games.

According to Houser, the perceived lack of women's empowerment in her games will not be a problem in the open-world western world, which will bring together a host of female characters, some strong, others weak. In other words, women will be treated as men and all other players.

"[There is] This old intellectual named Lillian Powell, who returns from New York in the south of the country, looks almost like a Dorothy Parker character, "said Houser," there are also some who are weak and others who are weak and become strong and those who think are strong but are not, and that goes for men too. "

As can be expected, time and place will play an important role in the representation of the sexes and races in the game. This was a pivotal period in the women's suffrage movement, and the game will reflect that honestly and accurately.

"It was a time when women were starting to question [their roles]and the Wild West was a place where people could invent for the first time; many of the people who invented themselves were women, "said Houser," they are no longer socially constrained because there is no society. "

According to the sounds, Red Dead Redemption 2 will feature a plethora of diverse and captivating characters from times, as well as some very strong female stars who will surely please some of her critics.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is under development on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and should be available next week on October 26th.

For more information and coverage on the highly anticipated game, click here.

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